Umm Amal, a Saudi woman who was forced to work as a housemaid in Pakistan for 21 years


Voter (50+ posts)
This is very appalling indeed,but now those Saudis who will read this news in their country could behave more rudely towards Pakistani workers.
Asians already dont have respect in Saudi Arabia now they will be subjected for further embarrassment I am afraid.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I am sorry that she had some bad experiences with Pakistanis who were lesser then complete angels:lol: It's strange that despite the appalling condition of our country many people on this forum see such things as being a personal insult or the country of Pakistan being somehow responsible when it is neither. Many more Pakistanis experience such things in Arab countries. When such things happen in any other country it's citizens do see it as personal humiliation, only us Pakistanis have this attitude.
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