Turkey loves and respects gay people and their rights says Khalifa Erodgan


Councller (250+ posts)
Accepting homosexuality is haram in Islam so this guy is nowhere near a Khalifa.
I disagree with your negative comment, your children & their children not born might turn out living in Western nation who turn gay! You have to consider future breeds not the old dog matic backwards old school.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
it is unfortunate to know that there are some people who will find this statement of his more appalling than him blowing up Kurdish and Syrian civilians...


Minister (2k+ posts)
I disagree with your negative comment, your children & their children not born might turn out living in Western nation who turn gay! You have to consider future breeds not the old dog matic backwards old school.

Anyone could turn gay but that does not mean it would be acceptable in Islam. If you are muslim then you should know it is clearly forbidden. You cannot pick and choose which laws you want to follow and which you want to ignore. Openly allowing what Allah has forbidden puts you in the realms of kufr.


Councller (250+ posts)
Anyone could turn gay but that does not mean it would be acceptable in Islam. If you are muslim then you should know it is clearly forbidden. You cannot pick and choose which laws you want to follow and which you want to ignore. Openly allowing what Allah has forbidden puts you in the realms of kufr.
Alright lets say we are 1600 years back in prophet Mohammed (pbuh) however there is country called Pakistan with 1 million hijras born genetically naturally & than there are States of rich GCC Kuwait Dubai etc who overlook the Quran and act on animal behavior by not recognize Palestine or Kashmir wtf???
Therefore Saudi just implemented women driving after so many years, and majority of Muslims nation's are going to follow brainless Arabs???!


Minister (2k+ posts)
Alright lets say we are 1600 years back in prophet Mohammed (pbuh) however there is country called Pakistan with 1 million hijras born genetically naturally & than there are States of rich GCC Kuwait Dubai etc who overlook the Quran and act on animal behavior by not recognize Palestine or Kashmir wtf???
Therefore Saudi just implemented women driving after so many years, and majority of Muslims nation's are going to follow brainless Arabs???!

Are you saying you would not follow Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) because the arabs are doing things which appear stupid or wrong? Or that arabs are not following Islam so it's ok for people to ignore that homosexuality is forbidden?
Can't really make sense of what you are trying to say.
