TRUMP's phone talk with Tiawanese leader has shook China's economic prospects


Minister (2k+ posts)
TRUMP's Phone talk to Taiwanese leader is a clear indicator that he intends to press on China for better deals and intends to challenge China , eye to eye .

TRUMP's appointment in various posts are not clear enough that republicans will follow traditional republican - GCC arabs and sunni world alliance but one thing is clear that Unlike Obama , he is not going to take any Any anti sunni cum GCC stand without a basis.

GCC Arabs do not want US -iran nuclear treaty dissolved as they feel that this renders Iran more under sanctions , more under independent war contractors lobby who use Khaemenie for creating new wars in middleeast to earn favourable avenues.

China is an exporter nation, issues with USA and EU cannot enrich it . The Chinese insistence in Muslim province to not follow Islam and be athiest is a long term obstruction to Muslim -Chinese alliance . Hence this gesture of TRUMP towards Tiawanese leader is one with significance for us as well.

USA is entering Pakistan again ???? .

Some of TRUMP's policies are going to clash with Netanyahu's , Israel wants destruction of Syrian state which PUTIN and KHAMENEI are obliging by bombing , TRUMP is from different age and class and their penchant for wars is no less than others but they like to control the world , not simply encourage anarchy in muslim world like Obama encouraged to please extremist militant jews and Christians.

Obama's claim of getting OBL is going to be under scrutiny is he persists in resisting TRUMP ascension to presidency , TRUMP has already met Gen.Petraus.

I do not see a good future of Iran any more under Mullahs now.
