COVID 19 is not Trump's fault. American health care system was not built to tackle pandemics and Trump inherited it. American insurance companies looted all the money from Americans. Now, I hope this health care system will be fixed. I would like to say, good job trump
COVID 19 is not Trump's fault. American health care system was not built to tackle pandemics and Trump inherited it. American insurance companies looted all the money from Americans. Now, I hope this health care system will be fixed. I would like to say, good job trump
You can't lock down a country on assumptions. you need solid informationits noones fault but the way he dealt with it isn't acceptable
the delayed action caused thousands more deaths
Please share ur steps to tackle this pandemic if u were in his place.its noones fault but the way he dealt with it isn't acceptable
the delayed action caused thousands more deaths
Please share ur steps to tackle this pandemic if u were in his place.
I know all these things. All I am asking lets assume u were president of USA, what steps you would have taken during this situation?he kept saying the virus will disappear, we don't have to do anything
he kept doing that for a month
then finally realized, it is the truth
I know all these things. All I am asking lets assume u were president of USA, what steps you would have taken during this situation?
Check date april 1 should have given away the prank.this is the way Trump is fixing USA economy i think nawaz sharief gave him this idea
Are u saying there is no lockdown in USA?Lock down to control the curve. Just like south korea and germany did. Even Canada has controlled it well.
Trump is s buffoon
Bro thats what Isreal wants that US economy goes down. I also think this could be planned by zionists.I literally prayed for Trump's election as US President, now American establishment will suffer from inside, we cannot fight them but this guys will fuck America. Secondly Americans will now see how it feels when you have so called leaders like Noora & Gardari in power, playing with people and country.
I will close my eyes and blindly just follow the great Khan. Imran Khan. ?I know all these things. All I am asking lets assume u were president of USA, what steps you would have taken during this situation?
yes. It is so written that in the end days, after the era of Britanica, Americana will also go down the drain and the next power center will be Judiaca....centered in Israel....Bro thats what Isreal wants that US economy goes down. I also think this could be planned by zionists.