He is, he is not, he was, he was not. First you need to be clear and precise yourself before preaching. He is finding so diffifult for himself to explain let alone listeners will understand a word he has been saying. Religion is not preached by wearing this kind of clothes and masks. Why Allah SWT needs to do all this? It is so simple to believe and explain just one the only one God, Allah SWT. There are no buts and ifs there when you talk about oneness of Allah SWT. We need to read and understand Holy Quran well. This is our duty. Trintity is the worst shirk and insult to Allah SWT. The Holy Quran in very clear words denies it in Surah Maryam and Aale-Imran. There can be a lot more said to refute what he has been saying in confused manner. We see in west that priests and Nuns converting or I must say reverting to the true religion of Islam as Islam has always been the religion preached by all prophets and messangers of Allah SWT. Now these priests and Nuns are experts in religion and have much in depth knowledge of Bible, and yet if they revert to Islam, then what more can be said about the true message of Islam. The new testament and old testament all have been many many times changed and text has been added and deleted over centuries. I have many devoted muslims as my friends who were christians before and this concept of trinity was the main reason so unrealistic and so wrong that they said their shahdah and became muslim. This person himself needs to study Islam with open mind and need to understand Bible itslef which asks Jews and Christians to believe in the last Ummi Prophet PBUH. I attended various debates, interfaith dialogues and visited churches and I found that Trinity is the most complex subject for even seasoned senior priests to explain. They find so much diffifulty explaining it and when you do cross question them then they are lost for words to explain it logically. Why it is so? Because it has no basis and it stands on falsehood. It was added 400 years after Jesus PBUH was raised to heavens. First they made Jesus PBUH as son of God, then much later started calling him as God himself, then further hundreds of years later started calling Hazrat Maryam as mother of God. Istagh-fer-ullah. May Allah save us all muslims from shirk, and show guidance to the misguided ones. Aamin. We need to stick to Quran and understand it properly to equip ourselves to refute such falsehood.