But hearing this is getting old - same thing about top tier leadership not performing well. Then how IK/PTI claiming to be different?
The core supporter is the educated youth and if it gets disillusioned then it will be really hard to bring it back because some old guard career politicians were being self centered or were looking out for their interests. If IK can't see through these people then how could he claim that he can provide exemplary governance. Sometime I think that its a blessing in disguise that PTI lost because they doesn't seem to be prepared for the tough task given the issues we are facing. I am not saying that PMLn is better but the failure to deliver by PTI would have forever hurt the voices of real change in Pakistan.
But is that of any solace? They are the party that had to lose the most and they campaigned harder than anyone. It should be seen as a huge failure and a wake up call. I have been saying this but they have to get 10-12 Asad Umars (young, energetic, smart, highly educated) to the top tier on the double.
Status quo will always be there and will always join hands but that should not be an excuse. People really don't care as is evident by the results in NA1 and NA71.
And I honestly think that PTI should get its own house in order before going after others especially people like Bilour because they have the mandate now.
Another thing that I strongly agree with Haroon Rashid is that IK has made some glaring mistakes in picking his team. He has JH (who is good but virtually ineffective) then he has Shah Mehmood who is a waste of time then on top of all of that he got Pervaiz Khattak to be the CM for the most important position for PTI's survival. That position at this time is even more important for PTI than IK. They should have picked someone better. I believe it will hurt them in the long run and may have already hurt them in NA1 elections.
May God help Pakistan!