woke up this morning to find that the evil passengers on PIA flight PK-370 had rudely ejected one of countrys most beloved VIP politicians. My feelings are hurt because:
- Every time you embarrass a politician, the army wins. Cant you see that the passengers are clearly in cahoots with the hidden hand of the boots? Did we just witness a soft coup?
- This thoughtless action further delayed the flight by 15 minutes, causing irreparable damage to our proud national carrier. We will never have a number one airline again.
- Rehman Malik earned the VIP status through a clear democratic mandate of the people. The greedy selfish passengers only want the VIP status for themselves.
- One of the passengers sounded like a molvi-type. This is a deal breaker for me
- Naya Pakistan is loud and rude. No thanks. I want purana Pakistan. The word bastard used to be reserved for the lower classes. Shame. Shame.
- While I support the passengers, this is clearly the wrong way to do it. The correct action is to write a polite letter to PIA and wait till 2018 to get a reply. Then you write another letter.
- Mr Malik was on his way to an important meeting with the Somali ambassador. Immature passengers have ruined Pakistans future in Mogadishu.
- I dont see a long term strategy here. The passengers acted in a haphazard and erratic manner. They should have started by writing a white paper on VIP culture before they opened their mouths.
- This was clearly the work of a few ring leaders. Only unanimous actions can be supported. Lady is seat 23C was clearly enjoying the delay, and her second cup of Sprite.
- Mob rule. Utter lawlessness. Qom ki adalat. Also mobile phone video shot is portrait mode. Hai hai!
- Bonus number 11. Total lack on consistency. First they want an apology. They they throw him out.