Tonight With Jasmeen (I Will Never Give Resignation..Nawaz Sharif) 1st Sep 2014


Minister (2k+ posts)
Bitter old man take rest from politics.MIAN Saab trying to MALIGN the boots that thumped him on his backside.

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Well done Shahid Lateef!

This senior citizen should realize that siding with the truth is the OATH you have taken.

Sultan Alvi

Minister (2k+ posts)
JH is confused. Calls IK simple and bhola. C'mon guy, come to your senses. Don't do this kind of back stabbing when he is trying to topple these criminal Gullu brothers from power? Good response from Shahid Latif. Jasmeen, you are a real sh*it disturber.
