To the Point 7th July 2012 - Pervez Musharraf - پرویز مشرف کے دھماکہ خیز بیانات


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: To the Point 7th July 2012 - Pervez Musharaf - پرویز مشرف کے دھماکہ خیز بیانات

Pervez Musharraf a great personality ,no match with current politicalTatoos and corrupt judges,stupids made Pakistan a failed state from 10th most developing nations(2007),what a unfortunate nation.Bulandi se Pasti ke Taraf after 2007,Allah Pakistan ke Ghariboon Mazdooron pe Raham Karey all industries almost closed.Bhugtoo Nawaz,Zardari<chiftikhar Altaf Wali shujaat Imran ko.


Re: To the Point 7th July 2012 - Pervez Musharaf - پرویز مشرف کے دھماکہ خیز بیانات

only leader who is honest and safe the country. Love you musharaf, per hamary mulk ky rxxdi ky bachoon ko wo pasand hain jo mulk ka bera gharq karte hain jasy nawaz ur zardari lottary.


Re: To the Point 7th July 2012 - Pervez Musharaf - پرویز مشرف کے دھماکہ خیز بیانات

Gen. Kyani is bakari general. Big supporter of jamori mafia.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: To the Point 7th July 2012 - Pervez Musharaf - پرویز مشرف کے دھماکہ خیز بیانات

The only reason why MQM supporters are passing favourable comments for Pervez Musharraf is because he belongs to the same ethnicity and racial heritage as them, this is the narrow mindedness of these people. If he is so brave why does he hide outside his country like that coward Altaf Hussain? Come to Pakistan and face the charges of what he has done!

The NRO was his gift to Pakistan which has left us with all these corrupt politicians


Councller (250+ posts)
Re: To the Point 7th July 2012 - Pervez Musharaf - پرویز مشرف کے دھماکہ خیز بیانات

The only reason why MQM supporters are passing favourable comments for Pervez Musharraf is because he belongs to the same ethnicity and racial heritage as them, this is the narrow mindedness of these people. If he is so brave why does he hide outside his country like that coward Altaf Hussain? Come to Pakistan and face the charges of what he has done!

The NRO was his gift to Pakistan which has left us with all these corrupt politicians

Same goes to you Dear. You are against Musharraf because you are a racist person and see Musharraf as an urdu speaking person although he live most of his life away from Karachi. Lots of people all over pakistan and from all ethincities like Musharraf because of his clear headed thinking and his work for the progress of pakistan and betterment of common people. Most of his office bearers have been and still are non-urdu speaking.

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lovely_ pk

MPA (400+ posts)
Re: To the Point 7th July 2012 - Pervez Musharaf - پرویز مشرف کے دھماکہ خیز بیانات

Great person !!!!!!!!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
atleast if Imran is not able to form government this time then Army must take over, Pakistan can't afford to fall again in the hands of the current culprits like Nawaz or Zardari bhai bhai, God forbid
Marey gaey abay mqm walo general saab fermata hain new elections fauj kay neechay hoon !!! Yaar neechay say inn ka kia matlab hay - nahin nahin :(:(:p


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Dear Gen Pervaiz Musharraf, there was a time when we used to love you and we used to call our leader. We used to take pride when u used to represent us. We loved you as a pakistani, as an upright urdu speaker, a patriot Pakistani.

But ever since you have imposed NRO leadership on us just to save your skin (or somebody played you) we hate you. We came to a conclusion that you have ditched us to a grave with no oxygen. Now the only reason to hate Nawaz Shareef is you because he brought you as a COAS by killing merit. and another short cut from you, where you used COAS power to come into power. Sir, there is another way, you would have stayed in Pakistan to spread your message. But this is the hardest way and you always use short cuts because of dumb leaders like Nawaz Shareef. This is where we hate our army because they have picked the dumbest person of pakistan and tried to make him a leader (NS).

But hold on there is a hope, but this is the hardest way to achieve. Can you go to students meeting in every university to show them the light? no you can't because you can't enter pakistan. Can you go every village in pakistan to spread your message? No you can't. Can you give pakistanis any hope? No you can't because there is not dumb leader like Nawaz Shareef to bring u up again. you know there is a man who has struggled 15 years for Pakistan. We used to laugh at him for his one seat and a ***** party. Any idea who is that? This guy has given us a pride being pakistani. A man who told us that we have a future in Pakistan because his future is in Pakistan. You know he is great imran Khan who used to see people laughing at him but he stood firm for us and for Pakistan. He believes in struggle hard work. So you have no future stay away in exile.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
مشرف کو چاہیے الطاف کے ساتھ مل کر لندن میں فوجی بینڈ کھول لیں دونوں ہی گلوکار اداکار بھی ہیں
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Yaar i think its political cum military farts of mushi

Lo jee jamhoriat ki tailring nahin hoey so he will be paks democracy bab e darzi - remember bugti???

Muluk bachao iss ko wapis bulao gen. Kiyani kay zariayay bhar maiin gia aeen - gawadr ka chur saith abid, akd ka yaar

Gen kiyani kia karain tu gen mushi fermatay hain - tagri neutral govt pre election ho - ??? Kon si kis ki??

Marey gaey abay mqm walo general saab fermata hain new elections fauj kay neechay hoon !!! Yaar neechay say inn ka kia matlab hay - nahin nahin :(:(:p


Yaar tum log apna kaam karo na, loo after india and uss ko nichay lagao inste of people of pakistan

Oaey mushi peg kitnay lagain hain - hanstay hain loog abroad tum perr bhi - remember joota munah per uk main
(bigsmile)بھائی جی سویرے مر جانا اے ؟ سارے کومنٹس اسی تھریڈ پر ؟
