Thugs OF 24000 Billion


MPA (400+ posts)
٢٤٠٠ عرب روپیہ لوٹا کس نے?
?سب اپنے آپ کو فرشتے کہ رہے ہیں
, سمجھنا یہ ہے کہ کس نے نیا ڈبوئی اس ملک خداداد کی اکانومی کی
?کس نے نچورّ خوں غریب عوام کا
بجاے اس کے کہ آج بات صرف اس پر ہوتی, تمام ٹھٹہ پونچھے اینکرز جھوٹی خبریں اور ٹویٹ چلا رہیں ہیں

ان بغرتوں کی لسٹ لمبی ہے , صرف مصال کے طور پر مندرجہ ذیل باسانی بتا سکتی ہے ان کے ذہن کا فتور.
عمران خان کو ہٹانے پر غور شروع : نجم سیٹھی
عمران خان کی چھٹی ہونے والی ہے: نجم سیٹھی اس سے پہلے نجم سیٹھی کی وزیر اعظم اور انکی اہلیہ میں علیحدگی کی خبر جھوٹی نکلی۔

Syed Talat HussainCharsada-based journalist Abid Jan is behind bars
Saleem Safi

عابد جان کی گرفتاری شرمناک اورقابل مذمت ہے۔وزیراعلی پختونخوا اپنی توجہ اس طرح کے بزدلانہ اقدامات کی بجائےکورونا پر مرکوز کرتے تو عابد جان جیسے صحافی اس طرح کی خبریں دینے پر مجبور نہ ہوتے۔ظالمو!جب برداشت نہیں کرسکتے تو پھر اپنی حرکتوں سے اس طرح کی شرمناک خبریں بناتے کیوں ہو؟

and last but not the least the latest PMIK VIDEO which these bitches of media portrayed as being stressed and crying is also FAKE and proven to be from old days

ALLAH KE BESHUMAR LANATAIN jhotay, baddayant, bikao media or corrupt logon par.


MPA (400+ posts)
Nation don't desirve such leader Like Imran khan. Its only blessing of God but they don't realize. Zardari and Nawaz sharif was working systematically to make this nation slave and then put in the lap of Indian. To give it to Modi sarkar as gift. Who would put chips in them. Zardari nawaz and Altaf gangs worked together to destroy institutions, put maximum debts and damage image of Pakistan. This > Meida was very happy and never worry for Pakistan. NWAZ ZARDAR ALTAF never gave them interview and put all haraaam infrant of them. >>>>>Pakistan was sinking slowly. Now One man standing for dignity of Pakistan and all crup media and so called jounalists like klasra hamid mir, saafi,Cheema, maalik, aasma shirazi, Aarif nizaami, Habib Akram, Shhami buda, Imtiiaz aalaim, there are many more like This Nwai waqt wala mukhari. Nurat javad,. some of them are part of crimes like Mushad hussain. najam sethi, Absaar Aalim, All ould their souls for shiateen, for few coins. free journalism. English writer mom is dead since Imran Khan is PM. They loved to write and prais Nwaz sharif and his brother.
Now need and a prison where only journalists will be prosecuted and will till the truth what they have done in past and please put an investigation about their assets. 6000 News papers denotified. Our justice system and security should prob. Imran khan cannot do alone. He only face alone all the crap from all around for no reason. Pakistanion help Imran khan. Its time to stand for him stand for Pakistan. Media is trying to isolate him from all around and portray him like is the one who is responsible for all problems. Abid sher,mariam ourangzaib are important for media than Imran khan and Pakistan. Pakistan need honest people to confrant them.
