Three Asian Nations – India, Pakistan, Bangladesh


Minister (2k+ posts)
This article was published on October 24, 2022. The data in the article is about nine months old and Pakistan is in much worse condition today than where it was then.

In the article, data from Pakistan, India & Bangladesh are compared. It is a report card of those who have been running the country for the last 75 years and they all are responsible for the mess Pakistan is in today. These people can't escape from their crimes by calling themselves the saviour of the country. The numbers speak of how they raped the country and they all must be punished.

Pakistan, India and Bangladesh are three South Asia neighbouring countries, sharing common history but presenting different political and economic scenarios since beginning. Pakistan and India started its journey as independent nations 1947 ( almost 75 years old), Bangladesh in 1970 almost 52 years old. The two countries India and Pakistan soon after independence started their political and economic journey in different directions.....


Though poverty+illiteracy remains a challenge in all three but we witness stark economic progress in both India and Bangladesh. India has made remarkable digital progress, which is expected to grow to become an $800 billion market by 2030. On the contrary, despite its enormous digital and freelance potential, Pakistan is only estimated to grow by $24 billion by 2023, accounting for 6.6 per cent of the country’s gross domestic product. Similarly, Bangladesh’s economic growth is a tale of remarkable resilience and power strategies. According to the World Bank, “Bangladesh has become the fastest growing economy globally over the last decade because poverty has come down from 43.5 per cent to 14.3 per cent just in two decades.”


* Interest Rate: Pakistan—13.75%, India—4.90% and Bangladesh 4.75%.

* Currency: Pakistan—210:1$, India—78:1$ and Bangladesh—92:1$.

* GDP Growth Rate 2022: Pakistan—3% (at best), India—8.70% and Bangladesh—7.50%.

* Foreign Exchange Reserves in billions of dollars: Pakistan—7, India—600 and Bangladesh—46.

Inflation: Pakistan—13.80% (however, in reality, it is much more), India—7.50% and Bangladesh—6.40%.

Pakistan defence budget 2022-23 , PKR. 1. 53 trillion (USD7. 5 billion). The allocation is a 12% increase over the original military expenditure in 2021–22 and a 3% increase over the revised expenditure last year of PKR1.

Bangladesh has announced a 2022–23 defence budget of BDT. 400 billion (USD. 4.2 billion), an increase of 7.7% over the revised expenditure

The budget of science and technology for India is about INR150 billion, equivalent to about Rs400 billion, whereas the budget of the Ministry of Science and Technology is less than Rs4 billion in Pakistan. Taking the six-fold population difference into account, it should be at least Rs65 billion. Similarly, university research budgets are an average of about Rs15 million ($ 70,000) per year for equipment, chemicals, maintenance and research salaries.

Councller (250+ posts)
We were never in competing position with india due to lack of true democracy in Pakistan. Since 1947 we never had true democracy. Boots either dictated or ruled from behind. What a banana republic


MPA (400+ posts)
Pakistan is not clubbed with India and Bangla any more, thanks to geniuses ruling this country. More like with likes of Myanmar, sri lanka, North korea, sudan, afg, and libya.
Probably will be in a class of its own in few months if this installed model carries on.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Pakistan is unlucky because of it's borders with Iran, Afghanistan and China. Access to these countries is something west loves dearly and they will do whatever it takes to not lose their influence on Pakistan. They have been ruling this country through proxies, we never achieved independence.
