This woman got emotional narrating how she was rediculed when she was propably PTI's only voter in 1998 in her consituency


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Aunty Allah apko kamyaab karay, apki duain aaj rangg ley ayi. Qom ki matti apko salaam deti hay.
IK & PTI please see this , she is just one loyal voter. Please remember VOTER KO IZZAT DO, never ever forget or undermine your voters please. deliver what you said. Keep pressure on eliminating the corrupts and corruptions, treat every province, city, person equal and you will flourish with the duas of the Nation Inshallah.
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Councller (250+ posts)
Similar to my story of the same elections. The only difference is - I convinced and got promise from at least ten other people/friends to also vote for IK candidate but after counting, my polling station had only two votes for that candidate. One was obviously mine and everyone of the said friends claimed the second one was theirs :D .
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
خان صاحب
ایسے لوگ ہی اصل سرمایا ہیں
جس دن آپ نے جیو چینل شاہ زیب کے پروگرام میں ایک سوال پر کہا ، شاہ زیب مجھے مینڈیٹ کی کوئی پروا نہیں " یقین جانیں افسوس اور تکلیف نا قابل بیان تھی
غلطیاں انسان سے ہوتی ہیں الله پاک آپ کی حفاظت فرمائے اور کامیابی عطا کرے
اس باحیا اور محب وطن خاتون کو سلام


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
اگر اب بھی الله سبحان و تعالیٰ کو اس قوم پر رحم نہیں آیا اور حرام خور کرپٹ لوگوں سے نجات نہیں دلائی تو پھر یہی سمجھا جاۓگا ک قوم کی اکثریت کرپٹ اور بد ترین غلیظ ہو چکی ہے
میرا مطلب اکثریت سے ہے


Senator (1k+ posts)
Similar to my story of the same elections. The only difference is - I convinced and got promise from at least ten other people/friends to also vote for IK candidate but after counting, my polling station had only two votes for that candidate. One was obviously mine and everyone of the said friends claimed the second one was theirs :D .

Or they all told the tuth, but their votes were not counted or even better were tallied for Imran's opponents. Rigging is how these haram khors win.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Allah Al-Haq Hai

I was in college during that election and I went door-to-door to ask people to vote for Imran Khan. Everyone made fun of us. Even house-wives sitting at home would make jokes and tried to humiliate us. Some even got angry at us. But we kept knocking on the doors because there was this faith that use to tell us that one day Inshallah, our nation will wake up and listen to the message of IK.

And with Allah's help they sure woke up. Looking back and thinking about those days still gives me goosebumps.

I am proud to say that when history was being made, I was part of it!!!
