This Lasaani Sarkaar is the biggest Fraud - Police need to arrest him


Should not disrespect Lasaani Sarkaar or insult him at least he is trying to understand the mind of Allah by his own studies though he did not red the mathematics therefore he could not understand the mind of Allah. But at least praise him that is trying to understand How Allah is controlling the stuff with use of books he studied.

Allah will send people in Black hole and they never come out its hell for non muslims..

He is right as science predict that there is Black holes where angles can do that and hide the information and he just saying in other way , Cosmology is a very exciting and active subject. We are getting close to answering the age old questions. Why are we here?
To understand Allah/God one need to know the language in which Allah wrote universe theory wrote, That language is called mathematics.
"Mathematics is the language with which God wrote the Universe. – Galileo" and " Indeed if we want to ‘read’ God’s mind, as Stephen Hawking might put it, we must first understand God’s language. source" Here word God may refer as nature or Mystery of universe

SO my point is both time and space came into existence almost 13 billion years ago with the point of big bang starting. In the same way as we can't talk about "outside" the universe (I mean what is beyond boundaries?? WHat does there exist, that question u canot understand unless u understand the Holographic principle) and we also cannot talk about "before" the universe as if there was no time it means there was no physical object. If suppose there is God than must be made of some material and the concept of material is related with time, u can not relate some physical object or space or vacuum without time.

So to say there was God before time is make no sense if there was God which made of material or space or vacuum than there must be time. and Time start with bigbang!!
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Minister (2k+ posts)
جس مسلک کی یہ شخص پیروی کرتا ہے اس میں سب جائز ہے
Salman Khan also call himself a Muslim, does it mean we should blame him what sect he follows. Looking at today's Muslims mentality and narrow-mindedness, it is better to be a non-Muslim at least they don't kill each other in the name of sects. This man is a total drama and he has nothing to do with any sect or religion. He uses religion as a tool. We should condemn his act not the sect. I have mix sects in my family and I know what they are. Keep you hate within yourself and burn into it forever. This is Allah's punishment to such people.
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I Love Muhammad (PBUH)

Senator (1k+ posts)
Yeh sab liberals ki sazish hey logoon ko islam sey mutnaffer kernay ke liye. Yeh qadiani aur yahudi agents ka kaam hey . Molvi hazrat tu aisi baat nahi ker saktay. Aap ko islam per hamla nahi kerna chahey tha . Foren maafi mangain werna nikah bhi toot jaye gaa aur aap ki jaidaad per Qabza bhi halal ho jaye gaa .



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Salman Khan also call himself a Muslim, does it mean we should blame him what sect he follows. Looking at today's Muslims mentality and narrow-mindedness, it is better to be a non-Muslim at least don't kill each other in the name of sects.
Clearly you never heard of Ku Klux Klan, the Liberation/Salvation Army, the Dravadian fiasco or you pretend you havent.
It's not about an individual, its the belief, theory concept. Just like the christians in their bid to respect Jesus ultimately turned him into the son of god, just like that Sufism took 20% Islam and mixed it with Taoism, Buddhism and what not.
Never to to extremes in your faith is what the Quran says and cross reference, if it goes against the Quran, well case dismissed.


Minister (2k+ posts)
شکریہ جناب شاید اپ کی یہ پوسٹ اپ کے لئے مغفرت کا سبب بن جاے

امید ہے یہ ارباب اختیار تک پہنچے گی اور اس کو اس کے انجام تک لے جاے گی


Milk Shaykh

what i'm about to say might sound biased and sectarian, but it is the truth in my eyes. and that is:

سرے لمبی لمبی اور بڑی بڑی چھوڑنے والے جتنے مے مولوی بیان کرتیں ہیں وو سب ہمیشہ بریلوی ہی ہوتیں ہیں

کوئی بھی ویڈیو نکل لو ، ہمیشہ بریلوی ہوے گا


جس مسلک کی یہ شخص پیروی کرتا ہے اس میں سب جائز ہے

بڑے شرم کی بات ہے تم لوگ ویسے تو خود کو اہلسنت کہتے ہو پر جبب ھی موقع ملتا ہے تو اصل اہلسنت کی تذلیل کرتے ہو میں سنی تو نہیں ہوں پر جانتا ہوں کے یہ لوگ الله کی عبادت کرتے ہیں نبی پاک ان کے اہلبیت سے محبت عقیدت رکھتے ہیں اور اصحاب کی بھی پر آج اس بندے پر لعن کرنے کی بجاے تم لوگ اس ملک کے ایک بڑے مسلک کی توہین کر رہے ہو یہ کتاب پڑھو یہ کوئی نئی بات نہیں ہے اس کو بھی موقع ایسی ہی کتاب کو دیکھ کر ہوا جیسا کے سلمان رشدی نے کتابیں جو پرہیں مخصوس تو توہین کی آپ کی اس کو پڑھو سب لوگ اور کوشش کرو کے ان کتب کے خلاف جہاد کرو تاکے نہ تو ایسے بندے پیدا ہوں نہ ہی سلمان رشدی جیسے، کوئی بھی مسلک چاہے وہ شیعہ ہو یا سنی کوئی برا نہیں ہوتا اس کے اندر لوگ ھوتے ہیں جو کے اس سے غلط تجزیہ نکال کر اس طرح کے کام کرتے ہیں باقی میرے پیچھے پڑنے کی بجاے اس کتاب کو یا جنہوں نےیہ واقعہ بیان کیا مور الزام ٹھہرانا
