This is why people become suicide bomber


MPA (400+ posts)


sshahid - Blogger
I challenge all those who issue fatwas about suiside to go through the trauma she must have been through that she had to resort to wrap a bomb on her, they would do the same. The problem is lack of justice. Injustice creates suicidals and crimes. There is no need to issue fatwas about these things as it is obvious suicide is haram. I think all those issuing fatwas only want to appease their western masters. A good muslim stands up for justice not goes around issuing fatwas.


MPA (400+ posts)
i agree with Mr Shahid,

that social unjustice creat the bomber or Taliban or Palestainien, Iraqi,s Irani,s Kashmiri,s etc

Nepali Pandit

MPA (400+ posts)
sshahid said:
I challenge all those who issue fatwas about suiside to go through the trauma she must have been through that she had to resort to wrap a bomb on her, they would do the same. The problem is lack of justice. Injustice creates suicidals and crimes. There is no need to issue fatwas about these things as it is obvious suicide is haram. I think all those issuing fatwas only want to appease their western masters. A good muslim stands up for justice not goes around issuing fatwas.

They were terrorists and terrorists have no religion. Have you ever heard, Women like her fighting for right to education, fighting a legal fight for justice, fighting for equality and equal opportunity. With this much passion she could have worked hard for a cause, could have been a role model. Instead of homicide bombing and killing 40 odd innocent civilians. We are not living in stone age. I feel sorry for this under age girl who was brainwashed my mullahs who are coward to do it themselves and send underage girl to do the dirty work. By the way this guy was trained in Pakistan.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
sshahid said:
I challenge all those who issue fatwas about suiside to go through the trauma she must have been through that she had to resort to wrap a bomb on her, they would do the same. The problem is lack of justice. Injustice creates suicidals and crimes. There is no need to issue fatwas about these things as it is obvious suicide is haram. I think all those issuing fatwas only want to appease their western masters. A good muslim stands up for justice not goes around issuing fatwas.

I agree.

Dr tahir-ul-qadri finds it enough to just issue a 600 page fatwa against theses desparate Muslims who have lost their husbands/wives/children due to the attrocities by forces, be it taliban, indian army, Us in iraq, afghan, Israel in Palestine. but nothing against non muslims.

Where was Qadri when this girl was turned into a widow, or when over 100,000 kashmiris were killed, or tortured by the Indian forces. Unless Qadri issued the fatwa to please the Christian wests......


Senator (1k+ posts)
Great muslima may Allah grant her junnah.Coward criminal AT GHQ serving their white jewish masters in the west, then collesting monies are morally bankrupt.

All these coward muslim agent armies are serving western interest period.Pakistan, a nuclear power is being led by the most retarded criminal uneducated inbred of the century.Revalution like Iran will save Pakistan from these leeches traitors who steal and rape Pakistan on daily basis.

shah sb

Councller (250+ posts)
[video][/video] tahir ul qadri gives us alternative way to fightback with western powers.suicide bomber are not the solution we have to unite muslim ummah first, and we have the example of islamic state of madina and complete guidance of nabi pak (s.a.w).

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
Violence breeds further violence and nothing positive comes out of it. Indiscriminate bombings on civilians cannot be termed as Jihad. Unfortunately Jihad is now being defined in terms of armed struggle whereas it is broad concept which entails struggle against poverty, lack of education and extremism.

Knowledge Seeker

Senator (1k+ posts)
Advice to Global Muslims regarding issue of Jihad by Scholars around the world:

