Zain Itrat Minister (2k+ posts) Dec 17, 2016 #1 Featured Thumbs https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15590651_1813007442306066_56049158272878128_n.jpg?_nc_eui2=v1%3AAeHraqFSo-ItXW3Aw0URVmw9O49Jtz4_nqR1bQbt-Y9M2qJdqoz_EuTfzVHfPiVNo4bgQ1vSQV39_uPLLhSrq0wxgWAPEWyS_GAzp8KGSe6UQZ0CATpvJZP3hXgzaLI78dA&oh=24fcc2fd93eb8546ba9838ef8bae4d6b&oe=58FB2B07 Last edited by a moderator: Dec 17, 2016
Z Zia Yasir MPA (400+ posts) Dec 17, 2016 #4 cheetah said: Movie name plz Click to expand... Khatta Meetha....
Two Stooges Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Dec 17, 2016 #5 Zain Saab, a very USEFUL clip, Spread it everywhere, on facebook, twitter, instagram Everywhere, to erveryone Again & Again, Don't STOP, to Spread it Remember, Jang-e Azadi 1857 was sparked from a very tiny incidence , , of a FACT spread with genius and wisdom Who knows which tiny spark turn into an Inferno ! Lets keep making tiny sparks, hoping for an Inferno for this rotten system
Zain Saab, a very USEFUL clip, Spread it everywhere, on facebook, twitter, instagram Everywhere, to erveryone Again & Again, Don't STOP, to Spread it Remember, Jang-e Azadi 1857 was sparked from a very tiny incidence , , of a FACT spread with genius and wisdom Who knows which tiny spark turn into an Inferno ! Lets keep making tiny sparks, hoping for an Inferno for this rotten system