Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa
Senator (1k+ posts)
There is always a right TIME even for a wrong thing. Nothing comes out of blue at the spur of moment. Disasters are always surfaced when groomed. Religion is always an axle around which everything rotates. Whether believers of faith or infidels lust for powers are always instrumental and play a pivotal role in the bid to get elevated at a higher pedestal. All Holy Books except Quran had been tampered to meet human aspiration. Sanctity of Holy Quran is guaranteed by none other than Almighty Allah (SWT) HIMSELF. Muslims and only those among them who obey its collective will and command without any reasonings are declared the dwellers of Heaven in the verses of Quran. Most individuals admit this ardent truth when envisioned with danger and natural disasters otherwise they continue trading their routine practices without social or moral constraints imposed upon them by their fomenter Prophets on behest of Allah (SWT) alone.
Pakistan is unique in its characteristic nature being 1st ideological state in the World and that too, in Islamic community. Growth of Israel is simply a repercussion by Christian & Jews to supplement their similar ideological identity like much acclaimed Pakistan stature. Both, Christian and Jew's had many similarities in their social and economic fiber and enmity against Islam is their common agenda to torment Muslims. Truth is always bitter and harder to digest. Coming of last Prophet to end this long chain of Messengers was reported to them in their Holy Bible & Torah and Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Name was even mentioned and is found today, in the Bible. Jews were anxiously waiting the birth of Prophet Muhammad pbuh in Medina and thats why they were there in Majority. They were confident that last Prophet named Muhammad pbuh will emerge among them on the given moment like earlier prophets born among Bani-Israels after their forefathers Father Abraham.
Emergence of last Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in Mecca was a real thunderbolt for Jews as HE was not born in Bani-Israel as much expected and secretly being awaited in Medina as per their calculations/predictions.
Rivalry and vendetta against Muslims starts from then onwards and, the process continues till now. Today only Pakistan & Iran are significant among remaining Islamic states that hadnt recognized existence of Israel as a Jewish state otherwise even Saudi-Arabia has now reported to be allowed Israels Air force to over fly KSA (Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia) in case Israel decides to attacks Irans Nuclear Installations like that it did earlier against Iraq in Saddams rule. Royal family in Saudi-Arabia has bow down under extreme and enormous combined pressure of USA, UK and the European Union.
A disgustful moment in the Islamic history after elimination of densely populated Muslims in Spain ending their long Muslim rule after Tariq Bin Zayads landing at Gibraltar!
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