There are Many Idiots on Cyber World Who Say that Zaid Hamid Supports the Egyptian Army


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)


Very few Muslims know that Quaid e Azam had gone to Egypt and met the top leadership of Akhwan ul muslimoon also and had forged Islamic links with Egypt.

Today, the same Akhwan are being slaughtered by the CIA backed army led by General Sisi with the help of many regional Arab countries and the world is silent. Only Turkey is showing dignified character to defend the Muslims of Egypt.

This is the ultimate tragedy. All large Muslim countries in ME around Israel are now in chaos. Iraq, Syria and now Egypt also.

We had proposed a solution for Pakistan against CIA backed Zardari regime. It was army backed technocratic government for 3 years. The medicine was for Pakistan, NOT Egypt. But CIA picked up the idea and the Egyptian army applied it in Egypt against an Islamic government of Morsi. It was NOT needed in Egypt but in Pakistan.

There are many idiots on cyber world who says that Zaid Hamid supports the Egyptian army and have asked Pakistan army to do what the Egyptian army has done in Egypt.

These idiots entirely miss the argument. I am talking about the medicine, the procedure only, NOT the morality or the legality of it. It is immoral and illegal to apply it in Egypt but needed in Pakistan. In Egypt, the government was just and Islamic. In Pakistan, the government is CIA/Idiots.

Understand this clearly. In Egypt, military backed techo government has created a crisis. In Pakistan, such a government would resolve the crisis.

We most strongly condemn the Egyptian army's slaughter and we fully support Egyptian Muslims and do dua for them.

The fact remains, that if Pak army does not do what we have told them, Pakistan would also head the direction of Egypt, Syria and Iraq, Allah forbid. Khair inshAllah.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Why would ZH support Egyptian army??? Is Egyptian army paying him 6,66,000/month???? ZH is not a tool.

But there is a potential to get a cut in the $1.6B it gets annually

He is confused - on one side is his old love, the the JI of Egypt, and on the other side is the deep pocketed military and a chance to rake in a tiny piece of that $1.6B.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
But there is a potential to get a cut in the $1.6B it gets annually

He is confused - on one side is his old love, the the JI of Egypt, and on the other side is the deep pocketed military and a chance to rake in a tiny piece of that $1.6B.

Who is this guy any idea, I think he made him change his stance. It is the top most comment on ZH facebook,

Rizwan Imtiaz Warraich Thanks for posting the great piece of history regarding the Quaid.
Like Reply 22 21 hours ago


Minister (2k+ posts)
United nations of Islam must warn the people who are sitting behind the scene. They have taken away their Gold and mineral resources and on the other side have created destruction. .................Zaid Hamid Golden words..:


Minister (2k+ posts)
who is zaid hamid?

and who gives a flying .... abt him

it really makes me laugh when ppl like zaif hamid declare themselves as intellectuals.

he is no one and wadaich sahab yah tou khud zaid hamid hai ya tou koi .... rahnay dain

Amna Rizvi

MPA (400+ posts)
I support Egyptian army.Army is killing rebels it good becsuse,rebels are working for West.

Please enlighten us! The rebels (who have not picked arms yet btw) are working FOR the west? The same west that supports Egyptian Army by giving billions and billions of dollars every year? Same west that closed its eyes when mubarak or sisi (the dictators) torture their own people? The same west that TEACHES us democracy, yet support Saudi Kings and Egypt Dictators?

I think you are confused. Or Maybe its a west we dont know about?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pakistan was formed in the name of Islam where the constitution would be based on the Qur'an. Zaid wants this not democracy or military rule. His secular and aman ki asha loving critic's don't understand this simple point.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Banna nay Banana republic bana dia hai Egypt ka.

Marshall Charha kar soo ja,
jis Khota.Y ki tasveer tum nai lagai howi hai Bhaang Ghootoo

Us nai Pakistan ko Bannana rebublic bhi banaya aur Bannana Charha bhi gaYa poori qoam ko
Tumhain abhi woh Bannana MEHSOOS nahi ho raha, NASHA utray ka jab BHANG ka toe phir SWAD laina.

Soo ja Shabash


Minister (2k+ posts)
یار زید حامد تو نکلی مجاہد ہے
اصل مجاہد تو آپ ہو
زرداری کی تصویر سینے پر لگا کر اس بیابان میں اکیلے نکلے ہو

Lolz no his enemy America is supporting the Egyptian army in collaboration with Saudia.
