The statements of polititicians after data darbar blast..


we know thousands of innocent people have been killed in suicide blasts in different areas of Pakistan.. but after the every incident politicians start blame game against each other.How shameful and disgusting attitude of politicians we have observed. Different statements by the leaders of different political parties have shown the malicious mentality of the politicians towards the solution of war on terror.These kinds of statements always promote linguistic differences and, ethnicity racialism among the nation.Sulman Taseer, Tehman Malik, Shehbaz Shareef and others are exploiting the whole nation and Islam as well for their political interrests.. How can we save our country from this kind of politics../
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Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
The recent attack on Data Darbar has turned in to a point-scoring agenda between the political parties. This meaningless excerise will do little good as we need to unite against the extremist elements rather than indulging in the balme-game.
