The Revival V2 - Part 16: After The Fall Of The Caliphate


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Our Rasool had said about this time when Muslims will be outnumbered but will be under the control of Kuffars, the Sahabas asked the reason, He said at that time the Muslims will be having greed of world and fear of death.

Now we are facing the same situation, the more worst time will be coming.

The only way out and get our previous status again is to hold the instruction of Allah and follow the right Sunnah of Rasool Allah.

The day we get united under Quran we will be ruling the world again.



Jazak Allah!

Our Rasool had said about this time when Muslims will be outnumbered but will be under the control of Kuffars, the Sahabas asked the reason, He said at that time the Muslims will be having greed of world and fear of death.

Now we are facing the same situation, the more worst time will be coming.

The only way out and get our previous status again is to hold the instruction of Allah and follow the right Sunnah of Rasool Allah.

The day we get united under Quran we will be ruling the world again.


Jazak Allah!!
