The Pakistan Ideology: History of a grand concoction


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Most school text books that are called ‘Pakistan Studies’ usually begin with the words, ‘Pakistan is an ideological state.’
Pakistan Studies was introduced in the national curriculum as a compulsory subject in 1972 by the government of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.

Over the decades, these books, that are regularly taught at all Pakistani schools and colleges, have gradually evolved into becoming one-dimensional manuals of how to become, believe and behave like a ‘true Pakistani.’

Though the content in these books pretends to be of historical nature, it is anything but.

It’s a monologue broken into various chapters about how the state of Pakistan sees, understands and explains the country’s history, society and culture - and the students are expected to believe it wholesale.

Many detractors have even gone on to call it an indoctrination tool.

It was introduced as a compulsory subject (almost in a panic) by the Bhutto regime soon after the country lost a war with India in 1971 and consequently its eastern wing (East Pakistan).


Pakistan had come into being in 1947 on the back of what its founders called the ‘Two Nation Theory.’

The Theory was culled from the 19th Century writings of modernist Muslim reformists in India who, after the collapse of the Muslim Empire in South Asia, began to explain the region’s Muslims as a separate political, cultural, and, of course, religious entity (especially compared to the Hindu majority of India).

This scholarly nuance, inspired by the ideas of the nation-state introduced by the British Colonialists, gradually evolved into becoming a pursuit to prepare a well-educated and resourceful Muslim middle-class in the region.

Eventually, with the help from sections of the Muslim landed elite in India, the emerging Muslim middle-classes turned the idea into a movement for a separate Muslim homeland comprised of those areas where the Muslims were in a majority in India.

This is what we, today, understand to be the ‘Pakistan Movement.’

However, when the country’s founding father, Muhammad Ali Jinnah - a western-educated lawyer and head of the All India Muslim League (AIML) - navigated the Movement towards finally reaching its main goal of carving out a separate Muslim homeland in South Asia, he was soon faced with an awkward fact: There were more Muslims in India than there were in the newly created Muslim-majority country of Pakistan.

Jinnah was conscious of this fact when he delivered his first major address to the country’s Constituent Assembly on August 11, 1947.


This is a very insightful paper by Nadeem Paracha. A good read. It is highly critical where I believe it needed to be. It is very long and detailed. So grab a cup of chai to go over it. :)
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Ali raza babar

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
One Answer to Nadeem F(ed) Paracha.

You believe in Democracy , Will of the People ,

90 Percent of Pakistani Population Demands Sharia Law in Pakistan,

Now F . OFF


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
So my question is, What are you? Pakistani first or Muslim first? Jinnah said, "You are first Pakistani, Second Pakistani and Thirdly a Pakistani." Do you agree with Jinnah or disagree? This is a very tough question for Pakistanis to answer, because it puts them in various labels and brackets.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
90% of Pakistani Population demands sharia Law? You can't get hardly more than 50% of people to come out and vote, but you got 90% of Pakistanis to tell you that they wanted Sharia Law? Wow. You must be smoking some good stuff from Peshawar. lol. Pass it along here too buddy.

Pakistani first or Muslim first? ;)

One Answer to Nadeem F(ed) Paracha.

You believe in Democracy , Will of the People ,

90 Percent of Pakistani Population Demands Sharia Law in Pakistan,

Now F . OFF


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
So my question is, What are you? Pakistani first or Muslim first? Jinnah said, "You are first Pakistani, Second Pakistani and Thirdly a Pakistani." Do you agree with Jinnah or disagree? This is a very tough question for Pakistanis to answer, because it puts them in various labels and brackets.

what a stupid question
what would you ask from any one else, say a German . "are u a german first or christian"?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
what a stupid question
what would you ask from any one else, say a German . "are u a german first or christian"?
Yeah I would. What's wrong with it? It is politically accurate. Perhaps you disagree but have not formulated a proper response. Please clarify why it is a stupid question.

Ali raza babar

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
90% of Pakistani Population demands sharia Law? You can't get hardly more than 50% of people to come out and vote, but you got 90% of Pakistanis to tell you that they wanted Sharia Law? Wow. You must be smoking some good stuff from Peshawar. lol. Pass it along here too buddy.

Pakistani first or Muslim first? ;)

Here you go , here is the HASH of Truth For you ,

I am a Human First , Then a Muslim , Then a Pakistani ,

Which part of the E. Table you Missed ?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Nadeem Paracha is nothing else but a psycho who has abundance of inferiority complex inside his brain.
he speaks against the brutality of taliban (rightly so) but never said a word against American's wolves.

He is a hypocrite of first grade, nothing else.

common Pakistanis are trapped between these two morons
one who support taliban's inhuman philosophy and others so called cultured idiots who are more loyal to westerners than the westerners themselves


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Yeah I would. What's wrong with it? It is politically accurate. Perhaps you disagree but have not formulated a proper response. Please clarify why it is a stupid question.

it is stupid because you are trying to mingle religion and nationality together.
religion is what a person believes in, its a matter of faith. you will remain muslim even you settle down in mars.
nationality is completely different subject.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
it is stupid because you are trying to mingle religion and nationality together.
religion is what a person believes in, its a matter of faith. you will remain muslim even you settle down in mars.
nationality is completely different subject.
The question arises in Religious states. Pakistan is NOT just a state - it is an Islamic state. So the question arises, are you a Muslim first or Pakistani first? Because you see in Pakistan, NOT all Pakistanis are equal. For example, a Hindu cannot be your president. Your faith is NO LONGER between You and your God. It is now a matter of state.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I disagree. It is irrelevant to cry about the wolves at your gates, when you have vampires within your house. It would serve No real purpose than to side track your focus from the higher priority problem at hand WITHIN your house.

I know the inclination is REALLY strong to label such people as suffering from an inferiority complex, but the other side of the coin is to cry excessively about Outside forces, would signify self deception. You see?

Nadeem Paracha is nothing else but a psycho who has abundance of inferiority complex inside his brain.
he speaks against the brutality of taliban (rightly so) but never said a word against American's wolves.

He is a hypocrite of first grade, nothing else.

common Pakistanis are trapped between these two morons
one who support taliban's inhuman philosophy and others so called cultured idiots who are more loyal to westerners than the westerners themselves


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Yes a Hindu or a Minority CANNOT be a president because we are NOT a SECULAR state (bigsmile)..Hence we NEVER made that promise.Our equality is based on Islamic Values and we made this clear when we created the country and all the MINORITIES signed up for it.

Now keep one thing in mind that at an individual level the Hindu or Christian CAN become a President IF they accept Islam. So this is a requirement for the JOB and nothing to do with Equal Rights as citizens which everyone else has.:)

The question arises in Religious states. Pakistan is NOT just a state - it is an Islamic state. So the question arises, are you a Muslim first or Pakistani first? Because you see in Pakistan, NOT all Pakistanis are equal. For example, a Hindu cannot be your president. Your faith is NO LONGER between You and your God. It is now a matter of state.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
90% of Pakistanis, thats over 151 Million people in Pakistan. You believe that? You think they polled 151+ million people!?!? It says they conducted only 38,000 interviews across Europe, Middle-east, Africa and Asia. Far cry from Pakistan's 180 Million. You gonna base your argument on 38,000 interviews of which we don't know how many were conducted within Pakistan? That's not a very strong footing to argue with me.

So, since you said you are a Human first, Muslim later and Pakistani the last; I would be right in saying you disagree with Jinnah's words that you are a Pakistani, 1st, 2nd and 3rd?

Here you go , here is the HASH of Truth For you ,

I am a Human First , Then a Muslim , Then a Pakistani ,

Which part of the E. Table you Missed ?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
No your wrong ...Both these wolves are outsiders ..One is funded by the west and the other brings western ideas. We dont want both of them and we never had any of these "Vampires" in our house !(bigsmile)

I disagree. It is irrelevant to cry about the wolves at your gates, when you have vampires within your house. It would serve No real purpose than to side track your focus from the higher priority problem at hand WITHIN your house.

I know the inclination is REALLY strong to label such people as suffering from an inferiority complex, but the other side of the coin is to cry excessively about Outside forces, would signify self deception. You see?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The question arises in Religious states. Pakistan is NOT just a state - it is an Islamic state. So the question arises, are you a Muslim first or Pakistani first? Because you see in Pakistan, NOT all Pakistanis are equal. For example, a Hindu cannot be your president. Your faith is NO LONGER between You and your God. It is now a matter of state.

oooo, I see
how many muslim presidents you Have had in USA or In france, Germany or Britian?
religion aside, even Black community got a chance of presidency after 200 years in USA


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
And you think Nadeem Paracha speaks for 90 % of Pakistanis ?? :lol::lol:...Get a life lurker, your secular arguments have failed.

Here I'll make it easy for you ...Just judge by the initial response as to how many Pakistanis agree to this secular rubbish have recieved more negative rebuttals than positive ones you go .

Secularism SUCKS and is not Part of Pakistan in any way ...WE WANT SHARIA --- There you go BUDDY ...We have said it ....take your garbage and sell it somewhere else !:lol::lol:

90% of Pakistanis, thats over 151 Million people in Pakistan. You believe that? You think they polled 151+ million people!?!? It says they conducted only 38,000 interviews across Europe, Middle-east, Africa and Asia. Far cry from Pakistan's 180 Million. You gonna base your argument on 38,000 interviews of which we don't know how many were conducted within Pakistan? That's not a very strong footing to argue with me.

So, since you said you are a Human first, Muslim later and Pakistani the last; I would be right in saying you disagree with Jinnah's words that you are a Pakistani, 1st, 2nd and 3rd?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Nadeem Paracha pointed out that When Urdu was adopted as the national Language, Bengali was the Majority language while Urdu was spoken by less than 10% of Pakistanis in 1947. Bengal was denied proper democracy on the issue of Language. Jinnah was part of this adoption. Nadeem pointed that out. Then ofcourse you all know what happened when we denied the Awami league who won by majority. You are in no position to dictate majority and minority given how the ball rolled for you.

Your Pakistanis are NOT equal. And there in lies one of the biggest problems that Islam cannot fix By definition.

Yes a Hindu or a Minority CANNOT be a president because we are NOT a SECULAR state (bigsmile)..Hence we NEVER made that promise.Our equality is based on Islamic Values and we made this clear when we created the country and all the MINORITIES signed up for it.

Now keep one thing in mind that at an individual level the Hindu or Christian CAN become a President IF they accept Islam. So this is a requirement for the JOB and nothing to do with Equal Rights as citizens which everyone else has.:)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
oooo, I see
how many muslim presidents you Have had in USA or In france, Germany or Britian?
religion aside, even Black community got a chance of presidency after 200 years in USA
Going by that line of thought, How many years will it take you reckon when Pakistan can have a Hindu president? ;)

Here I'll make it easy for you ...Just judge by the initial response as to how many Pakistanis agree to this secular rubbish have recieved more negative rebuttals than positive ones you go .
It's ok. I know full well I am a minority in Pakistan. I don't expect to be liked because I don't play Islamic tunes that people like to dance to. But I do like to once in a while show them a mirror. Sure I know they dislike what they see.

So. What about you? Pakistani first or Muslim first? ;)
Pakistan needs fakeera type of ideology:) trolling!

You are absolutely correct about validity of PEW statistics which rarely produce any conclusive inference . Did they do stratified sampling. A census covering all these groups(based on thousands of socio, economic, psychologic, geographical, behavior, caste, creed, color,ethnicity can possibly account all different kinds of people) would at least require 5 million entries and everyone need to be tested double blinded.
How in this world , can PEW do a double blinded test on " Does Pakistan/Pakistani want a sharia" ?

There is a biased trend in Pakistan where many tries to hide their inefficiency, immorals and glamourize their love to Islam to prove they are purest muslims. I don't mean to say that there are not pure muslims who follow everything ( but they are very rare)
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