This is utter nonsense!!!
Majority of the Egyption media is controlled by the regime i.e. millitary and most of it is very liberal. They have tried their best to defame Ikhwaan by baseless allegations which proved wrong from time to time e.g. a month ago there was a news broadcasted in the Egyption media that Egyption parliment has passed a law in which A man can have sex with his dead wife within some X amount of hours after her death. Now you must be thinking this is bizzare and riduculous and it is ridiculous indeed. But it was actually a Fatwa passed by a crazy Mullah somewhere in Sudan and the Egyption media manipulated that and blammed Ikhwan for this. When the Ikhwan cleared this allegation then the media went silent. I can mention numerous examples like this which are used to defame Ikhwan.
Imam Hassan Al-Banna was a Mujadid of 21st century! After the break of Khilafa in 1924, he worked utmost to bring the unity in Islam.At an very early age he worked for the Muslim Ummah. He studied from Al-Azhar university, the most prestigous university of Islamic studies in the whole world. He was a great scholar and asked the muslims who were divided under different sects like Sunni, Wahabi, Sufi etc to come under one banner and worked for the betterment of Muslim Ummah. I would encourage you to read more about him and Ikhwan before putting stuff like this. JazakAllah Kahir:)