The Looming Currency Crisis - My article for TheNews - a **MUST READ** for every Pakistani!

AsifAmeer - Blogger

The Looming Currency Crisis

[FONT=Georgia !important]Asif Punjwani on 1, Jun 2012

In my previous article, I had stated that Rupee will see a 15% depreciation before or by summer. Summers here! But the 15% depreciation isnt. Congratulations Pakistan! You have dodged the forex bullet. Theres egg on my face for calling the wrong shot. Lekin picture abhi baaki hai mere dost!

So where did I go wrong? You see things have truly worsened in the past few months. But just one simple factor which I had failed to assume, delayed the outcome. That was the price of Brent-Crude Oil. From a position of burning billions of dollars importing crude at $125/br and selling electricity at subsidized cost, Pakistan went to making money due to the recent fall in Oil Prices, about $103/br. This event has simply delayed the looming far severe crisis in Pakistan Rupee.

Ever wondered why State Bank of Pakistan has Interest rates set at 12%, while the rest of the countries have their rates from 5~8%? Who is SBP competing against for International Capital, setting rates at 12%? Ill share the unofficial reason. State Bank has set the rates so high because it doesnt want George Soros to come in, borrow Rupee and start dumping that Rupee in the Forex market to buy dollar, betting that by doing so *Soros would drive down the value of Rupee against the dollar. And in the end, he would buy back the Rupees (at a much cheaper rate) he had borrowed and settling his borrowing. *Soros doesnt do it because borrowing Rupees at 12% will only be profitable if Rupee depreciates to over Rs100 for a dollar (in a year).

*Disclaimer: Soros represent external hedge fund activities

Since last October, State Bank has seen its This means State Bank has no equity in foreign assets. Sure there is a $16 Billion reserve but that creates the base foundation of the Rupee. Once the foundation erodes, so does the value of the rupee against the dollar. Another way to look at the negative NFA position is that the State Bank borrowed foreign assets and sold them cheap. To return the borrowed foreign assets again, State Bank would have to buy the assets back at a higher rate. This is akin to a naked short position. Add the risk of devaluation to it and you have an explosive situation!

There has been another story brewing in the Pakistani REPO Market. State Bank has been increasingly stepping in to buy back Govt debt to prop of the values of these Govt Bonds. Since the start of 2012, SBP has purchased over Rs1.5 trillion of debt from the Commercial banks. This Rs1.5trillion came from computer keystrokes electronic credit. Its the same as printing notes, just cheaper much cheaper!

So why is the State Bank giving money to the Commercial Banks? You see Pakistan Banking sector is up to its eyeballs in Government Bonds. When inflation ticks up(currently 11% officially), banks will be forced to dump these bonds paying 12% interest for higher yields to save their capital. When that happens, values of these bonds will come down. Since these Govt bonds make the capital reserves of Banks balance sheets, banks will lose their capital cushion, rendering many insolvent. To avoid this, SBP is propping up Govt Bond prices to keep the banks from crashing. But SBP cant continue this for long because it risks devaluing Rupee. SBP will find itself cornered, whether to save the banks or the Rupee.

Ill try to end this with some hopes of good signs. Its possible. Either, I could turn out to be wrong. Maybe the Government will fix its budget deficit, Pakistan economy will fix its trade deficit and IMF will forgive Pakistans debt, all in the next 6 months! Its possible, right after the hell freezes overand over! Till then buyer beware.



Minister (2k+ posts)
for your article::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
for PAKISTANI PUBLIC::17::17::17::17::17::17::17::17::17::17:

AsifAmeer - Blogger
I am sorry bro lekin i admit, this is not an easy task for a non-finance guy to understand. In Short, the conclusion is Pakistani Commercial Banks will fail and the rupee will get significantly devalued. This will cause every imported item to skyrocket!

Protect yourself.
Too complicated to understand all this techincal economy stuff.....

AsifAmeer - Blogger
You know whats really sad.. There are only 450 hits to this thread. If I had put a picture of Veena Malik or Hina Rabbani, or Imran Khan, there would have been 3 times as many hits.

Makes you wonder if the Pakistanis really deserve the crisis they are about to face... Sad is the fact that folks like you who care and are against it will face the consequences equally...

for your article::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
for PAKISTANI PUBLIC::17::17::17::17::17::17::17::17::17::17:


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
You know whats really sad.. There are only 450 hits to this thread.If I had put a picture of Veena Malikor Hina Rabbani, or Imran Khan, there would have been 3 times as many hits.

Makes you wonder if the Pakistanis really deserve the crisis they are about to face... Sad is the fact that folks like you who care and are against it will face the consequences equally...

doom and impending gloom, most cant bear the thought of it getting worse, so its the ostrich thing, head in the sand, Allah Maalik heh, etc


Senator (1k+ posts)
Perhaps Banks were trying to save themselves by some fishy way, due to which everything messed up. SBP wants to have zero factor of safety. "Living on the Edge"
SBP wants to punish the guilty banks ( ohh really ??
But stabilizing rupee was possible only when SBP received $133 Millions from Islamic Development Bank, so another loan
State Bank of Pakistan Governor Yaseen Anwar also told the participants of the meeting that the country had received $133 million from the Islamic Development Bank and was expecting to secure more finances from other institutions.


Minister (2k+ posts)

does the recent fall of rupee have anything to do with salling 32 state own companies?

first smuggle the cheap dollar then get the a better rate bringing back to buy the share of state own companies.

what do you think, how the overseas Pakistani can help or create some kind of group to pressurise the govt. to stop playing with poor people in Pakistan.

AsifAmeer - Blogger
Overseas Pakistanis should stop sending dollars back. They should instead use Bitcoin. Professors, Intellectuals and Islamic Scholars should encourage the locals to use Bitcoin for their daily trades and should insist on accepting Bitcoin for Zakat.

Let the rupee crash and burn along with the central govt that issues it. In salaoun ko Kafan bhi nahi mile ga

Ameen to bolo!

does the recent fall of rupee have anything to do with salling 32 state own companies?

first smuggle the cheap dollar then get the a better rate bringing back to buy the share of state own companies.

what do you think, how the overseas Pakistani can help or create some kind of group to pressurise the govt. to stop playing with poor people in Pakistan.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Overseas Pakistanis should stop sending dollars back. They should instead use Bitcoin. Professors, Intellectuals and Islamic Scholars should encourage the locals to use Bitcoin for their daily trades and should insist on accepting Bitcoin for Zakat.

Let the rupee crash and burn along with the central govt that issues it. In salaoun ko Kafan bhi nahi mile ga

Ameen to bolo!

Ameen and 100% agreed. But will solve the problem of poor people who are dying in hunger?

Poor people in stuck so badly stuck in this system, even they know their leaders are not capable to fix the problems facing Pakistan and completely corrupt and looters. What choice they have?

I was expected some practical ideas from your end as I followed your post/threads regarding money.

What if overseas Pakistani have a chance to form some kind of Investment bank/corporation and invest their money only and only project related to powers and dams and something like that, where any overseas Pakistani allow only certain amount of share/Investment to make it balance rather then monopolize loop whole for rich to control.

I am sorry for unable to explain my point clearly as my English is not good. Any how if we have a chance to speak/chat may be explain better what I have in my mind. Any how! thanks for your response.


MPA (400+ posts)

As a layman, I was lost somewhere in the middle, but question is that the looming crsis thatwe are talking about came to pakistan no matter weather it was IK/ NS or AZ,right.
and what practical steps can be taken by IK ( I think that nooras and our deal/beloved Finance Misnister Ishaq Dar are totally incapable of it) , this is to say obviously once he will come in government.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Bitcoin transactions require
(1)- internet connectivity + proper mobile platform for instant transactions
(2)- ability to manage personal wallet (50% of this population can't read/write)
(3)- retailers'/sellers' willingness to accept it.
Community-scale implementation of this concept would demand seriously educated human resources (omg)

Overseas Pakistanis should stop sending dollars back. They should instead use Bitcoin. Professors, Intellectuals and Islamic Scholars should encourage the locals to use Bitcoin for their daily trades and should insist on accepting Bitcoin for Zakat.

Let the rupee crash and burn along with the central govt that issues it. In salaoun ko Kafan bhi nahi mile ga

Ameen to bolo!


Senator (1k+ posts)
@Asif Ameer,

As a layman if I could ask you that in six month from now on, where you will see Pak Rupee against US Dollar???

AsifAmeer - Blogger

If I were to give you a solution, I'd be lying to you. Anyone who says he has a solution, is lying to you.

In my view, and I am not speaking to you as an (Allah maaf kare) economist or a financial analyst, I am speaking to you as a human being. In my view, the problem is the whole region's (Pakistan, India, China, Bangladesh & S.Lanka) over-population. The land cannot support that amount of population and will eventually deplete its resources. The resource deficit is currently being managed via Globalization's efficiency. Lekin the global trade will shrink in the coming years due to the deleveraging of the asset bubbles the central banks are trying to re-inflate. To tell you the truth, I expect a war... a major war in the next decade. But again, I have been wrong in the past, just like I stated in the start of this very article. But I dont remain incorrect for a very long time...

Ameen and 100% agreed. But will solve the problem of poor people who are dying in hunger?

Poor people in stuck so badly stuck in this system, even they know their leaders are not capable to fix the problems facing Pakistan and completely corrupt and looters. What choice they have?

I was expected some practical ideas from your end as I followed your post/threads regarding money.

What if overseas Pakistani have a chance to form some kind of Investment bank/corporation and invest their money only and only project related to powers and dams and something like that, where any overseas Pakistani allow only certain amount of share/Investment to make it balance rather then monopolize loop whole for rich to control.

I am sorry for unable to explain my point clearly as my English is not good. Any how if we have a chance to speak/chat may be explain better what I have in my mind. Any how! thanks for your response.

Read my comment to PK1st.

As a layman, I was lost somewhere in the middle, but question is that the looming crsis thatwe are talking about came to pakistan no matter weather it was IK/ NS or AZ,right.
and what practical steps can be taken by IK ( I think that nooras and our deal/beloved Finance Misnister Ishaq Dar are totally incapable of it) , this is to say obviously once he will come in government.

Uetian, ab mujhe naam yaad nahi aa raha but there is this Wallet, i think its called Kaipoche wallet, which just uses SMS for bitcoin and your mobile number is tied to your bitcoin address. Its basically M PESA concept applied to bitcoin. You dont need internet for that. I will find out the name of that Kenyen project and share it with ya'll here soon.

Bitcoin transactions require
(1)- internet connectivity + proper mobile platform for instant transactions
(2)- ability to manage personal wallet (50% of this population can't read/write)
(3)- retailers'/sellers' willingness to accept it.
Community-scale implementation of this concept would demand seriously educated human resources (omg)

Allah jane mere bhai..
@Asif Ameer,

As a layman if I could ask you that in six month from now on, where you will see Pak Rupee against US Dollar???


Senator (1k+ posts)
An idiots guide to Central Banking

I have multiple questions in mind while reading your paper "An idiots guide to Central Banking":
(I am blank w.r.t banking/MMT)
1. up to what limit a government can issue TBs? how this limit is determined?
2. is it possible that a foreign government can trade in another state's REPO market? (e.g. US issued TBs to China, right?)

3. why China is accepting TBs from US ? Since if in any case US is not willing to buy back these securities, then it seems that China will be financially ruined ($1277 Billions in treasury securities)!!


Senator (1k+ posts)
Is it this one?
(Coinbase). It solely depends upon SMS commands (no smart phone/internet required).

Uetian, ab mujhe naam yaad nahi aa raha but there is this Wallet, i think its called Kaipoche wallet, which just uses SMS for bitcoin and your mobile number is tied to your bitcoin address. Its basically M PESA concept applied to bitcoin. You dont need internet for that. I will find out the name of that Kenyen project and share it with ya'll here soon.
