The guy who hit Son of PM. Got his arms legs broken

sarbakaf - Blogger

Two things to look in this news
1- The poor guy got his arms and legs broken
2- Law minister of Punjab was involved in protest while he should have taken action against him.


Councller (250+ posts)
To me the most alarming piece in this news is the mentioning of " a couple of canceled organizations from Lodhran and Khanewal " ... it seems our ruling elite still go hand in hand with these canceled organizations and they are still their goons ... so much for the WAR ON TERROR ... so much for their criticism on Zia ul Haq's engineering these organizations ... so much for their security measures ... so much so.


Senator (1k+ posts)
the third message you need to notice is that they give a clean message to common people about they will be get treated if anyone of them ever dare to confront with them... simple put, the message is "we are superier and above LAW"


The way the Prime minister's son behaved in Walima of Shoaib Malik explains it all.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Chief Justice, you must step in there to show the true colors of honest and independent judiciary.

Farooq Khan

MPA (400+ posts)
Pakistan is a very nice country but what is happening in the country only these people like gelanis zerdari sharif brothers and other corrupt politicians and landlords and businessmen they are making lot of money by UNFAIR MEANS they are blood sucker of all Pakistani by the way they do not consider other
average Pakistani as equal to them but they are badly mistaken they must think what happened to SADDAM HUSSAIN AND HIS SONS IRAQI PEOPLE REMEMBER HIM AS LOOTER AND BAD PERSON this is history lesson for gelanis and others but
they are living in their own world.beating this man Bilal is a shame but they did not know this word,my respect to Bilal and anger for these Dakooz they do not
deserve to lead Pakistan or people of Pakistan.
one day average Pakistani will stand up against them Insha-Allah.
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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
I want to see this news all over the media and want to see some actions taken. THIS IS THE TIME!!!!

Saladin A

Minister (2k+ posts)
This boy should be publicly flogged. This is a curse of feudalism and capitalism that even the spoiled, rude, arrogant and zalil progeny of these filthy rich think that they can get away with murders as their fathers and forefathers have been doing.

The prime minister should resign over this scandal or at least apologise to the nation for his son's obnoxious misconduct.
