Jamaat Islami seems to have ignored the plight of Syrian populace and the alleged chemical weapons attack right in Damascus on the Sunnis and it ignored the fear that if this goes unnoticed then many other countries will embark on this cheap weapon which killed enormous numbers in world war I.
Similarly Jamaat which always had close ideological ties with brotherhood of Egypt it never gave them advice to reconcile with its political opponents and now rightly however condemns the barbarity of Al Sissi but even now this party has never tried to mediate between Morsi and army or help Morsi in any serious manner . Morsi who was strangely cozy with Iran at the expense of Saudis did not understand the logic of what is called "Sunni politics" or even the logic of what is called "Shia politics".
The jamaat's stance on Karachi might reflect army's wishes not to overstretch itself but what about killings and peace of Karachi , jamaat's opposition to military action in Karachi where some 30 -40 thousand armed political party workers , gangsters , agents ready with bombs and rocket launchers and even may be anti aircraft weapons are to be handled , they are ready to kill , maim and conquer turfs , how will APC or political means reduce the power and anger of the armed chap , this might happen but in a 1000 years.Jamaat stance is seriously objectionable and antihumanity on Karachi issue.
Jamaat's stances have been impossible , for example if a religious party does not keep its membership open and wants few to enter it and yet it aims at revolution and then again it does not want to resort of arms either , can this happen ? Can such a party take off except in a drawing room atmosphere or in very peaceful times. Such parties can only help secular forces retain their foothold and presence of parties like Jamaat make sure that genuine hot blooded well equipped Islamic groups do not take root instead of them. This explains that secularism is on its zenith in Pakistan , Have they demanded Qazi courts recently , have they ever criticized judiciary (Anglosaxon law), No is the answer. Jamaat has become a club of the old timer Jamiat , with most visible thing being white beards and sense of helplessness on the face, a complete aura of defeat and resignation but as somebody said " Sikast ka kinara Nai hota". So better watch out Jamaat.
I had in my thread lodged before explained the stunted rise and slow demise of jamaat and current three issues , Karachi , Egypt , Syria represents quite well the problems of the Jamaat , its defective policies and its ineffectiveness both as pan Islamic party and as a Sunni predominant party , its disinterest in mediating intermuslim issues and sole attention to elections , MPA ships Senator ships and so on .
In 1971 , Jamaat Islami was perhaps the third largest party after Awami league and PPP and unlike two other it was well represented in both parts of Pakistan. It was like Muslim league , the only well represented party in both wings of Pakistan.
Similarly Jamaat which always had close ideological ties with brotherhood of Egypt it never gave them advice to reconcile with its political opponents and now rightly however condemns the barbarity of Al Sissi but even now this party has never tried to mediate between Morsi and army or help Morsi in any serious manner . Morsi who was strangely cozy with Iran at the expense of Saudis did not understand the logic of what is called "Sunni politics" or even the logic of what is called "Shia politics".
The jamaat's stance on Karachi might reflect army's wishes not to overstretch itself but what about killings and peace of Karachi , jamaat's opposition to military action in Karachi where some 30 -40 thousand armed political party workers , gangsters , agents ready with bombs and rocket launchers and even may be anti aircraft weapons are to be handled , they are ready to kill , maim and conquer turfs , how will APC or political means reduce the power and anger of the armed chap , this might happen but in a 1000 years.Jamaat stance is seriously objectionable and antihumanity on Karachi issue.
Jamaat's stances have been impossible , for example if a religious party does not keep its membership open and wants few to enter it and yet it aims at revolution and then again it does not want to resort of arms either , can this happen ? Can such a party take off except in a drawing room atmosphere or in very peaceful times. Such parties can only help secular forces retain their foothold and presence of parties like Jamaat make sure that genuine hot blooded well equipped Islamic groups do not take root instead of them. This explains that secularism is on its zenith in Pakistan , Have they demanded Qazi courts recently , have they ever criticized judiciary (Anglosaxon law), No is the answer. Jamaat has become a club of the old timer Jamiat , with most visible thing being white beards and sense of helplessness on the face, a complete aura of defeat and resignation but as somebody said " Sikast ka kinara Nai hota". So better watch out Jamaat.
I had in my thread lodged before explained the stunted rise and slow demise of jamaat and current three issues , Karachi , Egypt , Syria represents quite well the problems of the Jamaat , its defective policies and its ineffectiveness both as pan Islamic party and as a Sunni predominant party , its disinterest in mediating intermuslim issues and sole attention to elections , MPA ships Senator ships and so on .
In 1971 , Jamaat Islami was perhaps the third largest party after Awami league and PPP and unlike two other it was well represented in both parts of Pakistan. It was like Muslim league , the only well represented party in both wings of Pakistan.
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