The Best Time To Eat A Banana

کی جاناں میں کون

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The Best Time To Eat A Banana- Is it healthier to eat a banana while it’s fresh or when it’s ripe?

Many people are wondering about when it’s the best time to eat a banana. Interestingly, the nutritional profile of bananas changes as they ripen. You may have noticed that the more ripe your banana is, the sweeter it tastes. This is because enzymes in the fruit’s tissues are progressively breaking down starch (long polymeric form of sugar that doesn’t taste sweet) into simple sugars (monosaccharides, disaccharides, etc which taste sweet).


Since in a ripen banana, the enzymes have already done the task of breaking that starch down, your body doesn’t need to. Therefore, you will absorb the sugars into your blood stream quickly which causes a “spike” in blood sugar.

In contrast, there may be some benefit to eating the ripe banana. Japanese researchers have shown that the antioxidant and anti-cancer properties of the banana surge as it ripens. Full ripe banana with dark patches on yellow skin produces a substance called TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) which has the ability to combat abnormal cells. The more darker patches it has the higher will be its immunity enhancement quality; Hence, the riper the banana the better the anti-cancer quality. Yellow skin banana with dark spots on it is 8x more effective in enhancing the property of white blood cells than green skin version.


In conclusion, the ripe banana is your best option when your body needs quick sugar. If you don’t want the fast hike in your blood sugar levels, you could consider eating the ripe banana with some nut butter (the fat slows the absorption of sugars into your blood stream) or simply eat the banana while it’s still greenish (level 3 or 4 in the pic)
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
There is a simple rule of thumb, seasonal fruits should be eaten in their seasons :) But some people begin to eat fruits when they are ill.


Senator (1k+ posts)
ap hi bata dain...btw i ws generally talking to eat seasonal fruits. I am not against banana :)

Bhai, mujhe pata hota to mein aap sey poochta kion, mein ney to iss leay pucha tha, kion key aap ney kaha phul uss ki season mein khana chayea


Minister (2k+ posts)
There is a simple rule of thumb, seasonal fruits should be eaten in their seasons :) But some people begin to eat fruits when they are ill.

In most western countries banana is imported from countries where it is in season so you get seasoned banana all year round


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Bhai, mujhe pata hota to mein aap sey poochta kion, mein ney to iss leay pucha tha, kion key aap ney kaha phul uss ki season mein khana chayea

[h=2]Quick facts[/h] Common name Banana
Latin name Musa and Ensete
Group Tender plants
Flowering time All year round, but often at the end of a long summer in the UK.
Planting time Spring to autumn
Height and spread Up to 4m (13ft) in cultivation
Aspect Sunny
Hardiness Tender
Difficulty Moderate

It is a winter fruit though as flowering starts in summer :) My nanny had grown some banana trees in her house in our village. I have since then never seen such awesome bananas which those banana trees had to offer. They were quite long and sweet too.
