Our political system is fake and nill. Now we should adopt direct voting system, like in Iran. You mean only Imran Khan is good for the country. I agree
but when you look around there are so many Darwaish and Willi like people with their character,pateriotism,vision,competency and braveness. For example,
Our highly respected Dr.QADIR KHAN he has given the nation something, and he is writing now a days beautifull articles in urdu in daily jang with other dimention and aspects. LONG LIVE DR: SHAIB. You have Dr.LIAKAT AMIR then you have MR. ZAID HAMID and our very pateriot Rt. General Hameed Gull and so on?????? Last but not least suggestion, give this goverment to ( EADI TRUST) Mr. Eadi will show you better performance then the present
goverment !!!!!!!!!!!1