The Advent of the Anti-Christ or DAJJAL


Minister (2k+ posts)

By Rixon Stewart on August 2, 2010
Its an old story: one that has been repeated many times but the greater part of humanity still hasnt learned. But the lesson is a simple one and until we learn it we will carry on repeating the same old mistakes.

For the Illuminati have a history of creating problems, or allowing them to develop to the stage where people demand, something must be done! At which point the Illuminati then step forward with an answer. A solution that formerly might have been unacceptable had it not been needed for a problem requiring remedy so urgently.
Its the old Problem-reaction-solution ruse that has been used throughout history.
It was used as far back as ancient Rome, when Crassus used a slaves revolt to do away with the old republic and its attendant freedoms.
Through the threat of rebellious slaves marching on Rome, Crassus persuaded the Romans into trading their old republic for imperial rule and thats where a good idea went wrong.
For although Crassus never became emperor, in time some emperors became tyrants, as opposed to individuals who were temporarily appointed with dictatorial powers to deal with a crisis: as was originally intended.
Nonetheless nearly two thousand years later, President Roosevelt played a similar trick when he lured the Japanese into attacking the U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbour. As Michael Rivero and James Perloff have pointed out, U.S. naval intelligence was fully aware that the Japanese navy were steaming toward Pearl Harbour but failed to inform the U.S. fleet anchored there.
On November 29th the then U.S. Secretary of State Hull even showed a United Press reporter an intercepted message with the time and place of the attack thats more than a week before the Japanese actually struck on Sunday December 7, 1941!
Once the Japanese attacked however, President Roosevelt had the pretext he needed to enter WWII with the Allies.
Still this old trick neednt be confined to military matters. It can be used in the realm of economics, high finance and politics too. The essential ingredients are public gullibility and complacency enhanced nowadays by a compliant and obliging media.
Armed with such elements anything is possible.
All of which brings us to the current global market meltdown.
Some have expressed doubts about the current economic crisis and a few readers have even voiced suspicions that the credit crunch has been staged but to whose benefit?
That is the question to ask whenever one is confronted by what maybe a conspiracy. Who will benefit and exactly how and in what way will they profit?
After all the payback may not necessarily be financial, although whoever fixes the problem will be hailed as a saviour delivering the world from an economic catastrophe.
Regardless of ones faith however, its appropriate here to recall what various religions taught would feature around now.
Christians speak of the End Times and the appearance of false prophets and the anti-Christ. While Islam teaches that a similar figure will appear: the ad-Dajjl or deceiver was predicted to lure men into his thrall with a combination of guile and diabolical cunning.
While Christian esoteric researcher and teacher Rudolph Steiner taught that a figure known to the ancient Zoroastrians as the epitome of evil would incarnate toward the end of the 20th century.
Referred to as Ahriman, Steiner taught that he would likely appear in North America and that others would incarnate before him to assist his passage to prominence.

Spiritually developed men undermine Ahrimans power and thus he seeks to entrap mankind in a purely physical realm. Impeding mans spiritual evolution with greed as embodied in the consumer society, or more subtle intellectual enticements as may be found in the confines of scientific materialism.
While the ancient Zoroastrians knew him as Ahriman, Steiner said he would probably be more readily recognised today as Satan. They are in fact one and the same and it should be noted, quite distinct from Lucifer, an entirely different entity.
Like Muslim scholars, Steiner taught that Ahriman/ad-Dajjl/the anti-Christ would incarnate as a man and appear all too human. His incarnation would be in counterpoint to Christs and while some lessons are harder than others, he would deliver a very hard lesson to humanity.
Speaking in terms that modern men might better grasp, Rudolph Steiner (1862-1925) taught that although apparently human, Ahriman/ad-Dajjl/the anti-Christ would display a cold penetrating logic and likely excel at economics or science.
We may even conclude that in the modern world he might be found somewhere in computers or banking or even space exploration. Either way he will stand out in his field.
Which is where the current economic crisis presents the perfect opportunity for him to step onto the world stage and be greeted, initially at least, as a saviour.
One might even say that the current economic crisis was a set-up; staged like a theatre piece for this character to appear as a redeemer, rescuing the world from impending market meltdown.
From this elevated point and buoyed by public acclaim after contending with the global economic crisis, he would only be few steps away from taking command in a looming confrontation with Iran.
From which point all hell will break loose and this apparent saviour will be seen in his true element. Taking command in a global conflagration in which hundreds of millions, maybe even billions of lives will be consumed.
Those potential billions would be little more than innocent victims in his quest for dominion: sacrificial offerings in a real holocaust that would consume Jews, Christians and Muslims alike.
Stay tuned because this scenario may be about to unfold before our very eyes. In fact there is every indication that events will begin moving within the foreseeable future.


Minister (2k+ posts)
The Advent of the Anti-Christ II

By Rixon Stewart on August 6, 2010
The ancient Zoroastrians and Christian esoteric researcher and teacher Rudolf Steiner referred to him as Ahriman. Mainstream Christians call him Satan or the “anti-Christ” while Muslims know him as Dajjal.
Whatever you call him though his appearance has long been prophecied. Later in this article I will explain why these predictions may soon be fulfilled but first a little esoteric background.

At the beginning of the last century, Steiner taught that Ahriman would appear in North America around now.
It is crucial however not to mistake Ahriman for Lucifer. Despite efforts to confuse the two by their agents in this world, these are two different entities with distinct modes of operation.
Moreover, Ahriman’s emergence should not be seen in isolation. His incarnation in human form is one of a series that are crucial to humanity’s spiritual evolution.
According to Steiner Lucifer appeared first, in central China nearly 4,000 years ago. While 2,000 years later Christ was born in a pivitol incarnation in the Middle East
Now, another 2,000 years have passed and moving further West, Ahriman has incarnated in North America. Both Ahriman and Lucifer exemplfy attributes that exist in all of us but without the redeeming qualities embodied by Christ they can destroy our spiritual potential.
This is why it is important to learn to discern between Ahriman and Lucifer: not least because one should “know thy enemy”. So that by utilising the qualities exemplified by Christ we can neutralise their negativity.
It’s also no coincidence that Christ appeared between the two both geographically and historically. Symbolically at least, he balances the two.
As words dervide from his name imply, Lucifer is the bearer of false spiritual illumination. He deceives with illusion, luring man from real spirituality with delusions and his influence can be seen in much of today’s “new age” movement.
Ahriman on the other hand wants to trap man entirely in the physical realm. So while Lucifer strives to lure men from genuine spirituality with counterfeit replicas, Ahriman wants to imprison man in the physical world.
As will become apparent, in his current incarnation Ahriman is ideally placed to do just that.
As the term suggests, “scientific materialism” confines itself to things that can be calculated in terms of substance. So if it can’t be measured or weighed or quantified in some way then it doesn’t exist, physically, and for some in the scientific community that’s literally all that matters.
However, esoteric Christians, Muslims and ancient Zoroastrians weren’t the only ones to speak of Ahriman’s coming. Some of his human underlings, his dark prophets as it were, have also prepared for his incarnation.
One such was the infamous Albert Pike who as far back as 1871 wrote of his coming.
Albert Pike’s letter to Giusseppe Mazzini is one of the most momentous missives ever written. Although Freemasons have tried to label the letter a fraud, alleging it to be the creation of one Leo Taxil, it is nonetheless grimly prophetic.
Taxil died in 1907 – years before any of the events outlined in the letter took place. So whoever wrote the letter still accurately predicted most of the major events of the 20th century.
Moreover, it makes some predictions that have yet to be fulfilled, although their potential is becoming ominously apparent.
Regular visitors to this website are probably familiar with the letter but I will briefly outline some of its contents. The world will be racked by three world wars, the writer imparts, the first of which will see the overthrow of Russia’s ruling dynasty with the country being transformed into a “fortress of atheistic Communism”.
The Second World War would end with the establishment of “a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine.” While the third world war will start with a clash between Zionism and the Muslim world that will ultimately lead to a global conflict.
However, the ensuing slaughter would merely be a prelude to the sovereign enthronement in this world of a diabolical entity. Although whoever wrote the letter to Giusseppe Mazzini refers to this entity as “Lucifer” this is probably a ruse. We take it to be Ahriman/Satan.
All of which serves as an introduction because this writer and a trusted psychic friend think we’ve spotted him. The long awaited “anti-Christ” or Satan/Ahriman incarnate has been identified.
I’m not going to name him but will offer some pointers and leave it to readers to see if they can identify him.
He started out in the field of science and high technology and while still relatively young moved into the realm of high finance and banking. A seemingly abrupt transition but he nonetheless remained in his element because scientific materialism, high technology, high finance and banking are all spheres where Ahriman’s influence prevails.

He was also briefly in the public arena fairly recently – the object being to establish him as a figure of authority, if only subliminally – before he returned to the relative anonymity of commercial banking and finance.
Nonetheless, this writer believes that he will return to the public arena within the next 6 to 12 months. The cue for his return being a clash between Iran and the West – exactly what the letter to Mazinni referred to with its mention of a war between Zionism and the Muslim world – which can be seen ominously taking shape in the mounting tension between Israel and Iran.
Once ignited it will rapidly escalate into a global conflagration. Whereupon Ahriman incarnate will be recalled to the public arena, possibly to oversee and coordinate the Western war effort. From there he will come into his own with all his servitors in banking, high finance, the corporate media and government in attendance.
I’m going to conclude with extracts from a lecture given by Rudolf Steiner in Zurich on October 27, 1919:
“Ahriman skilfully prepares his goals beforehand; ever since the Reformation and the Renaissance, the economist has been emerging in modern civilisation as the representative governing type…. Rulers are in fact merely the henchmen and enforcers of the economists. One must not imagine that the rulers of modern times are anything but the economists’ agents. And all that is enshrined as law and justice is, if one scrutinizes it carefully, simply a consequence of a thinking dictated by economists….
From the Incarnation of Ahriman: Seven Lectures by Rudolf Steiner published by Rudolf Steiner press

“….because this dominion of the mere ‘token for material goods’ (i.e. money) has arisen, Ahriman has been given another essential means of deceiving mankind. If people do not realize that the legislative state that safeguards human rights and organism of spirit must balance and redress the economic order established by economists and bankers, then again, through this lack of awareness, Ahriman will find an important instrument for preparing his incarnation. His incarnation is undoubtedly coming, and this lack of insight will smooth the way for his triumphant advance.”
Note that the Bank of England – the mother of all central banks and the template for the U.S. Federal Reserve – was established in 1694 in the wake of the Reformation and Renaissance. Ever since then the power of moneylenders like the Rothschilds has grown, to the point where they now effectively control governments and politicians, just as Steiner pointed out nearly a century ago.