Indians secular duniya hiding behind mask's or pumped up by someone else's prerogatives
The topic article is about Indian individuals or working professionals in organized society social gatherings confronting Stereotypical Muslim opponents ( individuals or working professionals ) in the same ladder.
To give a categorical example of typical situation, when one Muslim working in workplace is carrying out regular task or even starting a new job position. The Indians in that organization collectively apply pressure or analyze weak points to a level of critic reporting of the Muslim to managers is built-in on actions of others!
To overcome the typical mindset is if even communication with superiors about peers from applying pressure's to the Muslim at work place or social gathering but or yet not backing off? How much could one tolerate? The question arise how to confront repeating rogue traitor's within the workplace??
After several thought analysis of similar situation with Indian traitors to escape goating instances confrontation with fellow Muslims, in work place or society gatherings but building a evil relationship in linear time periodically with those same Indians traitors.
A conclusion for all secular duniya was developed, to officially confront the rogue one's & politely ask them what was the problematic stance of repeated cut throat back hitting to profiling a single Muslim individual?
The solution to ( catch 22 equal one position followed by another trap) Indians in same environment or social gatherings with a communication mediums in place, was after careful analysis to offer the Indians to play any sport which both Muslim being picked on versus Evil minded pumped up Indians ( on others signal in workplace) to play game in soccer, cricket to whatever sport both felt comfortable.
Remember the evil stereo types Indians in these secular mulk will always keep a rhetoric for being simply " Indian" on other popular actions via "media".
The stance goes from nuatral levels, below bad levels, horrific point of no return, beyond imagination haste, to being utterly mega black in nature.
We can't analyze all the above mentioned Indians living in secular duniya.
But we can definitely read the inner soul, mind thought, to deepest dis-respect to the ones who communicate with medium level in society in our sports gathering's.
One should always understand the opponents mind before attempting any action as to why, what, how's are answered simply?
In back to our example of stereotypes from workplace, of about 3-4 Indians invited to play a game of cricket, after playing a game of cricket or even soccer, with the other group of players, the clash between Indian & Pakistani becomes a bit more personal with treating insults to physical contact. Yet the amazing fact about the 4 Indians in question after the game, their body language was variant! The aggressive Indian at the workplace, was playing a defensive game throughout the match, which reflected the inner scared-ness of his mindset! The nuatral Indian, reflected the positive actions when opportunity arose in the game! For our third candidate of analysis, reflected a typical mind of typical Indian-ness, who didn't even walk in the pitch or field or bothered to participate with all mixed backgrounds of secular citizens playing game, all he wanted was act out as audience, be a eye ball to fact he witnessed the match so he could use his tongue back at the office to continue rhetoric anti Muslim!
Lastly in the final analysis of fourth candidate, While the quiet Indian at the office who kept a hush attitude towards everyone, showed the most aggressive behaviors to our muslim brothers in the match, reflection of utter haste in his mindset.
In conclusion, ladies & gentlemen, our analysis is to reflect the mile long tongue of typical Indians, while most disrespect to brothers of any muslim origin when it comes to step on the field physically, one can factually see they will back off collectively reflection of true their character as traitor's!
Example 1, our Hindu Kumar will give his son alias of a Muslim name like "Kareem" & in turn his son will make two sets of friends, Muslims & Indians, where the secrets will be relayed to Hindu set of group! Also the reason why Hindus name their children Muslim aliases is primary reason they unable to blend in (as variety of Muslim Arabs to countless other) with whites so for reason of social interaction - they name Muslim names to their children, a trait of cheating within own community.
The topic article is about Indian individuals or working professionals in organized society social gatherings confronting Stereotypical Muslim opponents ( individuals or working professionals ) in the same ladder.
To give a categorical example of typical situation, when one Muslim working in workplace is carrying out regular task or even starting a new job position. The Indians in that organization collectively apply pressure or analyze weak points to a level of critic reporting of the Muslim to managers is built-in on actions of others!
To overcome the typical mindset is if even communication with superiors about peers from applying pressure's to the Muslim at work place or social gathering but or yet not backing off? How much could one tolerate? The question arise how to confront repeating rogue traitor's within the workplace??
After several thought analysis of similar situation with Indian traitors to escape goating instances confrontation with fellow Muslims, in work place or society gatherings but building a evil relationship in linear time periodically with those same Indians traitors.
A conclusion for all secular duniya was developed, to officially confront the rogue one's & politely ask them what was the problematic stance of repeated cut throat back hitting to profiling a single Muslim individual?
The solution to ( catch 22 equal one position followed by another trap) Indians in same environment or social gatherings with a communication mediums in place, was after careful analysis to offer the Indians to play any sport which both Muslim being picked on versus Evil minded pumped up Indians ( on others signal in workplace) to play game in soccer, cricket to whatever sport both felt comfortable.
Remember the evil stereo types Indians in these secular mulk will always keep a rhetoric for being simply " Indian" on other popular actions via "media".
The stance goes from nuatral levels, below bad levels, horrific point of no return, beyond imagination haste, to being utterly mega black in nature.
We can't analyze all the above mentioned Indians living in secular duniya.
But we can definitely read the inner soul, mind thought, to deepest dis-respect to the ones who communicate with medium level in society in our sports gathering's.
One should always understand the opponents mind before attempting any action as to why, what, how's are answered simply?
In back to our example of stereotypes from workplace, of about 3-4 Indians invited to play a game of cricket, after playing a game of cricket or even soccer, with the other group of players, the clash between Indian & Pakistani becomes a bit more personal with treating insults to physical contact. Yet the amazing fact about the 4 Indians in question after the game, their body language was variant! The aggressive Indian at the workplace, was playing a defensive game throughout the match, which reflected the inner scared-ness of his mindset! The nuatral Indian, reflected the positive actions when opportunity arose in the game! For our third candidate of analysis, reflected a typical mind of typical Indian-ness, who didn't even walk in the pitch or field or bothered to participate with all mixed backgrounds of secular citizens playing game, all he wanted was act out as audience, be a eye ball to fact he witnessed the match so he could use his tongue back at the office to continue rhetoric anti Muslim!
Lastly in the final analysis of fourth candidate, While the quiet Indian at the office who kept a hush attitude towards everyone, showed the most aggressive behaviors to our muslim brothers in the match, reflection of utter haste in his mindset.
In conclusion, ladies & gentlemen, our analysis is to reflect the mile long tongue of typical Indians, while most disrespect to brothers of any muslim origin when it comes to step on the field physically, one can factually see they will back off collectively reflection of true their character as traitor's!
Example 1, our Hindu Kumar will give his son alias of a Muslim name like "Kareem" & in turn his son will make two sets of friends, Muslims & Indians, where the secrets will be relayed to Hindu set of group! Also the reason why Hindus name their children Muslim aliases is primary reason they unable to blend in (as variety of Muslim Arabs to countless other) with whites so for reason of social interaction - they name Muslim names to their children, a trait of cheating within own community.
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