Thailand shuts embassy in Turkey following protest over Uighur (Chinese) Muslims


Thailand has shut down its embassy and consulate in Turkey following a protest against Bangkok’s recent deportation of dozens of ethnic Uighur Muslims to China.


Thailand's embassy in the Turkish capital city of Ankara and consulate in the port city of Istanbul were temporarily closed on Friday.

"The government has ordered the Thai embassy and consulate to close temporarily today,” Thai government spokesman Werachon Sukhondhapatipak told reporters in Bangkok on Friday, adding, "We will assess the situation on a daily basis.”

On Thursday, demonstrators stormed the consulate, hurling rocks at the building. They also smashed windows, broke down doors, pulled down the sign outside the mission and demolished pictures and furniture.

The protest came in reaction to the Thai government's announcement on Thursday that it had deported 109 Uighur Muslims to China, claiming the move was under an agreement that guarantees their safety.

However, Phil Robertson, Human Rights Watch's Asia deputy director, warned that the Uighurs sent to China "will likely face torture" there.

The Turkish-speaking, largely Muslim minority reside in China's northwestern Xinjiang region where they say they are subject to cultural and religious restrictions.

Scores of Uighurs have purportedly escaped China in recent years, with some traveling through Southeast Asia in an attempt to reach Turkey. In late June, a group of 172 women and children were sent to Turkey.

Werachon, meanwhile, said that senior Thai officials are set to go to China next week to follow up on the deported group.

Relations between Turkey and China have strained over the past few days after Beijing reportedly banned fasting for teachers, students and civil servants in the Muslim-dominated Xinjiang region during Ramadan.

Muslims in Turkey have close cultural and ethnic links to the Uighurs in China.


When will Pakistan take a stand with China, or we Pakistani as usual will look the other way??

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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Pakistan should play it's role for solving problems of uighyr Muslims. And if China continues to suppress and brutal treatment of uighyr, USA and Europe will take advantage and exploit the situation. We may soon regular attacks against China in Sinkiang.
