(Tawaf) of Ka'aba & Natureطواف کعبہ اور قدرت ؟ (by DADA)


MPA (400+ posts)
Earth rotation around its axis is also anti-clock wise ... the unvierse movement is also the same.

yet they came up with the opposite of this natural movement in watches, clocks, literally everything that you can see, the movement cursor of windows, the busy icon, everything they are making is clock-wise ......


Minister (2k+ posts)
Few comments:
trafic roundabout in some countries are clockwise as well especially in those countries where yo have right hand drive and all thetraffic follows left side.
Trajectory of a missile is also invalid as it depends on which side the camera is. So if you are on the right side of that missile, it will be clockwise.
rest is wonderful
