Respect ur understanding although not agreed to any point
You have to see things in Global centric not Pakistan centric.
All polices and decisions of superpower countries are related to MONEY economy, United states have switched its priorities to China and their 100 year plan to control china.
From Islamic Muslim point of view, Islamic world is divided along ethnic lines
Arabs Countries lead by Saudi Arabia.
Shia Muslims influenced countries Iran Iraq Syria
African Arabs Leady by Egypt.
African Muslims Lead by Sudan but mostly non aligned.
South Asian Muslims, Pakistan Bangladesh and India Muslims, who are not united and will never be.
Turkish influenced land locked of central Asian countries led by turkey after 2023.
So bottom line for Pakistan is solve its own problems poverty, economy, education, jobs and building a society of Modern Muslims that balance the fundamentals of Islam with the fundamental system of governance that has been time tested and works in all western world.
that is my last word.