Taliban Fighters Burn Down Amusement Park In Afghanistan


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
FAKE Indian media on spree against Taliban, because they were kicked out of the country that they thought will allow them to remain , rule and make money. They spent billions and had to run away with wet pants. This is fake news , do not promote it.

Dr Adam

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

رووو چڈیو رووو! تمہارے سیاپے پر کوئی یقین نہیں کرتا . جتنا مرضی جھوٹا پروپگنڈہ کرتے رہو
کیا ثبوت ہے کہ اگر یہ کام ہوا ہے تو یہ طالبان نے کیا ہے ؟؟؟
ایسے گھٹیا کام اب را کے سلیپر سیلز ہی کریں گے، طالبان نہیں
مزید، کیا ثبوت ہے کہ یہ فوٹو شاپ کی گئی تصویر نہیں ہے ؟؟؟
کیا ثبوت ہے کہ یہ آرکائیو میں سے نکالی ہوئی کوئی سالوں پرانی تصویر نہیں ہے ؟؟؟
اگر ایسی کوئی آگ لگی بھی ہے تو کیا ثبوت ہے کہ وہ کسی شارٹ سرکٹ سے نہیں لگی ؟؟؟
This is an organized and a sinster fift generation media war campaign by chaddies to malign Taliban after loosing all in the battle field.

ان چیخوں کا بڑا مجا آ رہا ہے


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
FAKE Indian media on spree against Taliban, because they were kicked out of the country that they thought will allow them to remain , rule and make money. They spent billions and had to run away with wet pants. This is fake news , do not promote it.

Aparantly the taliban were playing on the bumper cars and mary goround until there was a fight about who gets to go next and in the violence that ensued the whole amusement park got burned down.



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
ye sale froudeya afghanistan mai ab kici ki tatti b band ho ge tou ye talilban pe he dalen ge notanki besharam


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Aparantly the taliban were playing on the bumper cars and mary goround until there was a fight about who gets to go next and in the violence that ensued the whole amusement park got burned down.

No its not true and no media of the world that is in Afghanistan has reported this except Indian media , and if you see in every report they have shown two pictures, one of the Park and second something is burning, and they call it Park burning.
Indian media is world recognized for their false propaganda against any individual or a country. Indian media is just a gathering of pimps who are working to malign any one for money, now they are kicked out of Afghanistan so any thing that happen will be painted black by them and they will try to malign Taliban even in a wrong birth in their family, as they were doing for Pakistan.

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Aparantly the taliban were playing on the bumper cars and mary goround until there was a fight about who gets to go next and in the violence that ensued the whole amusement park got burned down.

Knowing what a bunch of savages they are this scenario could very well be true.

Not surprised the Taliban fan boys think any news showing their reality is propaganda and fake news


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Knowing what a bunch of savages they are this scenario could very well be true.

Not surprised the Taliban fan boys think any news showing their reality is propaganda and fake news

I don't know if all dumb bricks are gathered here or its the ground hogs day - Just yesterday I debunked this half baked propaganda originating from PTM and spread by chaddi media and we are having a repeat of it today. Amazing, just amazing !

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
I don't know if all dumb bricks are gathered here or its the ground hogs day - Just yesterday I debunked this half baked propaganda originating from PTM and spread by chaddi media and we are having a repeat of it today. Amazing, just amazing !
No you just posted some made up cock and bull nonsense


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

رووو چڈیو رووو! تمہارے سیاپے پر کوئی یقین نہیں کرتا . جتنا مرضی جھوٹا پروپگنڈہ کرتے رہو
کیا ثبوت ہے کہ اگر یہ کام ہوا ہے تو یہ طالبان نے کیا ہے ؟؟؟
ایسے گھٹیا کام اب را کے سلیپر سیلز ہی کریں گے، طالبان نہیں
مزید، کیا ثبوت ہے کہ یہ فوٹو شاپ کی گئی تصویر نہیں ہے ؟؟؟
کیا ثبوت ہے کہ یہ آرکائیو میں سے نکالی ہوئی کوئی سالوں پرانی تصویر نہیں ہے ؟؟؟
اگر ایسی کوئی آگ لگی بھی ہے تو کیا ثبوت ہے کہ وہ کسی شارٹ سرکٹ سے نہیں لگی ؟؟؟
This is an organized and a sinster fift generation media war campaign by chaddies to malign Taliban after loosing all in the battle field.

ان چیخوں کا بڑا مجا آ رہا ہے

Chaddis have lost it !

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Chunnu munnu you get annoyed very quickly. You should have the ability to listen to reason and bow down to the blunt sword of logic !
I have been offered 0 logic and 1100% tinfoil hat baseless conspiracy theories. Sorry I don't deal in conspiracy theories, but cold hard facts.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I have been offered 0 logic and 1100% tinfoil hat baseless conspiracy theories. Sorry I don't deal in conspiracy theories, but cold hard facts

I think you've had too many cold facts lately - Let it thaw and there is a chance that some microwatts could be consumed.
