Taliban confirm RA&W's presence in Afgh


Senator (1k+ posts)
NEW DELHI: Claiming that they were not in direct conflict with India, Taliban have said there was a possibility of reconciliation even as they justified the February 26 Kabul attack on Indians as a legitimate action.

In an interview with Times of India, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid claimed his organisation did not want India out of Afghanistan but assailed the country for supporting Hamid Karzais government and western forces.

If the Taliban return to power, we would like to maintain normal relations with countries including India. Its possible for the Taliban and India to reconcile with each other, Mujahid said.

He said: Indias role is different from those countries that sent troops to occupy Afghanistan. At the same time, he added that India isnt neutral in the Afghan conflict as it is supporting the military presence of US-led coalition forces in Afghanistan and working for the strengthening of the Hamid Karzai government.

Also, he said, India has never condemned the civilian casualties caused by the occupying forces.

Asked about the February 26 attack in which Indians, housed in two hotels in Kabul, were targeted, the spokesman said Taliban were responsible for it.

He said it was carried out by Taliban fighters after we got intelligence information that RAW agents were holding a meeting there. The attack claimed the lives of seven Indians. Claiming that India was supporting the Afghan government and the western forces, Mujahid said the country was therefore, a legitimate target for us.

Asked if Taliban wanted India out of Afghanistan, he said, We are not saying that India should be out of Afghanistan. Nor can India be completely expelled from Afghanistan.

The Taliban spokesman noted that India and Afghanistan have had historic ties and said: The Taliban arent in any direct conflict with India. India troops arent part of Nato forces, they havent occupied Afghanistan.

He claimed that Taliban favour neither India nor Pakistan but hastened to add that they cannot ignore Pakistan as it is a neighbouring Islamic country and was on good terms with them when they were in power.

India, on the other hand, backed anti-Taliban forces of the Northern Alliance and refused to do business with our government... India backed the NA, and is now supporting the Karzai government.

Dawn/ Times of India News Service

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
They should also keep in mind the role of indians during soviet invasion of Afghanistan. India had supported soviets and never condemned the act. The world seems to have forgotten all that, maybe it is a delibrate oversight!


Senator (1k+ posts)
Star Gazer said:
They should also keep in mind the role of indians during soviet invasion of Afghanistan. India had supported soviets and never condemned the act. The world seems to have forgotten all that, maybe it is a delibrate oversight!

I don't think it is delibrate oversight. Indian stand is still the same. We Support democracy. we don't support terrorism neither believing in exporting terrorism.
India still support soviets and never condemned the act they did in the past.moving forward, it is up to Taliban what to do. be with India or going against India!! hope batter sense prevail.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
furry87 said:
NEW DELHI: Claiming that they were not in direct conflict with India, Taliban have said there was a possibility of reconciliation even as they justified the February 26 Kabul attack on Indians as a legitimate action.

In an interview with Times of India, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid claimed his organisation did not want India out of Afghanistan but assailed the country for supporting Hamid Karzais government and western forces.

If the Taliban return to power, we would like to maintain normal relations with countries including India. Its possible for the Taliban and India to reconcile with each other, Mujahid said.

He said: Indias role is different from those countries that sent troops to occupy Afghanistan. At the same time, he added that India isnt neutral in the Afghan conflict as it is supporting the military presence of US-led coalition forces in Afghanistan and working for the strengthening of the Hamid Karzai government.

Also, he said, India has never condemned the civilian casualties caused by the occupying forces.

Asked about the February 26 attack in which Indians, housed in two hotels in Kabul, were targeted, the spokesman said Taliban were responsible for it.

He said it was carried out by Taliban fighters after we got intelligence information that RAW agents were holding a meeting there. The attack claimed the lives of seven Indians. Claiming that India was supporting the Afghan government and the western forces, Mujahid said the country was therefore, a legitimate target for us.

Asked if Taliban wanted India out of Afghanistan, he said, We are not saying that India should be out of Afghanistan. Nor can India be completely expelled from Afghanistan.

The Taliban spokesman noted that India and Afghanistan have had historic ties and said: The Taliban arent in any direct conflict with India. India troops arent part of Nato forces, they havent occupied Afghanistan.

He claimed that Taliban favour neither India nor Pakistan but hastened to add that they cannot ignore Pakistan as it is a neighbouring Islamic country and was on good terms with them when they were in power.

India, on the other hand, backed anti-Taliban forces of the Northern Alliance and refused to do business with our government... India backed the NA, and is now supporting the Karzai government.

Dawn/ Times of India News Service

still our pakistani military propoganda cell run by ahmed qureshi like idiots have spent millions of ruppees in spreading the "news" that taliban are raw agents and they get weapons from india
anyway its dajals era ,dajal means deception
taliban who are fighting against indian and americans directly are labelled by our secular civil and army elite as indian and american agents ,this propoganda is repeated so many times in our dajali media that now even if you take a 2 year old child in arms he will not cry or laugh but will say"taliban are indian and american agents! [hilar]

and our own army and civil leadership is right now in america getting dictation from american,israeli indian alliance that how to kill every last remaining islamist fighter in pakistan,which can be threat to american designs when it will attack pakistan with india in future (according to some reliable reports by american media
and still our civil and army leaders are heroes of islam :lol: thanks to our medias brain wash
do you people know that as there is total censorship of news from afghanistan so we do not get picture of whats happening there
taliban killed many indian troops in afghanistan in recent past,also taliban killed denmark soldiers specially in last year,to take revenge of denmark peoples blasphmey against our prophet (pbuh)...our army has done what to safeguard prophets honour by now?our army is getting assistance from same countries which did this blasphemy,,,
still taliban are agents :lol:
taliban have been harmed more in recent times by pakistani army than they were ever harmed by india or america,pakistani nation is fighting emotionally against taliban like india and america would not even fight....this has first time caused taliban to think that they cant trust pakistan ever again
so when america will leave afghanistan humilated than i am now seeing a hostile taliban government ,who will be justifiably against pakistan....
its our own wrong policies that will do this great harm to pakistan...in past taliban were like our own army
now if india attacks tomorrow no one will help us and i fear that we may not end up like iraq,where there secular army fled the very first day of occupation and from than only mujahideen are doing guerilla operations
anyway bhains kay agay been bajanay kaa koi faaida nahin!
so pious people are waiting for that painful event that is near
may allah help us

anyway our munafiqeen people do not realise that spreading false runours against a group of people is big sin,that we will have to pay for it soon
yes.balochistani rebels are taking direct assistance from india and they admit it too,but taliban were never ever friends of india,taliban just 6 months back offered pakistani armmy that if you stop killing us on american orders than we will defend pakistans border with india and fight aginst any indian attack,but as usual army did not take any heed
why i say army did not listen?why i am not saying zerdari did not listen?its because bholay badshaho pakistan is being ruled by kyaani today,,,zerdari and democractic government are just working under kyanis advice and kyani takes advice direct from america...tahts why on kyanis one phone call zerdari reinstated the judges ,which he would never have done otherwise.why cant we people think about that!!!!!!!!
also there is no denying the fact that taliban are indias biggest enemy,,,the above statement infact seems to me to have been altered to suite someone,i do not trust secular media,its very biased against anyone who takes islams name.actually taliban are still enemies of all mushrikeen and who is biggest mushrik than hindus who worship billion false gods