Takraar - 14th September 2013 - لیاری لوگ خون کے پیاسے


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Breaking news chhotta jaib kootra barey jaib kootray mna asad ul rehman ki jaib kaat gaya


MPA (400+ posts)
I do not know how does this lie prevails in this time and age. Bottom line is simple. Every terrorism in Karachi is with approval of Sindh government, period. PPP Sindh government is made of merceneries. Their target is to collect money from Karachi. They came from rural Sindh, they kidnap people take ransom, they grab land of others and sell for profit to big contractors, they have stopped water in all areas which can afford to pay for water tankers. They collect billions of ruppees every month. No matter how many operations you do with police or rangers as far as this corrupt PPP is in Sindh they will blame MQM or others for all. If any one raise voice against them they play Sindh card. Unless PPP is kicked out of Karachi, Karachi will never have peace. Choice is either People of Pakistan will do it themselves or someone from outside will take care of it!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Why are they showing only one side of the story? cause it supports the lies of MQM.

There was no problem in this area, but this arshad papu and zigri (MQM controlled guyz) tried to control this area. Now since past 6-7 years, this area is in trouble.

By the way, how come this people are able to purchase weapons like Ak47. and why no one is capturing them on carrying illegal arms?


Minister (2k+ posts)
Why are they showing only one side of the story? cause it supports the lies of MQM.

There was no problem in this area, but this arshad papu and zigri (MQM controlled guyz) tried to control this area. Now since past 6-7 years, this area is in trouble.

By the way, how come this people are able to purchase weapons like Ak47. and why no one is capturing them on carrying illegal arms?
If rangers and Sind police are doing operation to clean Karachi then why can't they find these people who have weapons and killing people on both sides. This shows that this operation could fail unless an unbiased operation is carried out
