Establishment manufactured Model Town incident using Wajahat Force in Police Uniform and Weapons as per Pasha London Plan (May 2014) to ignite pro Jews Western conspiracy to oust NS for countering China growing investment in Pakistan.
Establishment agencies as per script wrote "Dissenting Note" as per script. Paid media is exploiting it as end of Sharif's legacy, which will end with their death only.
Finish game soon, before Goldsmith/Danial S Mecay puppets are held by people of Pakistan. Pasha London Plan (May 2014) is exposed, not a secret any more.
Establishment manufactured Model Town incident using Wajahat Force in Police Uniform and Weapons as per Pasha London Plan (May 2014) to ignite pro Jews Western conspiracy to oust NS for countering China growing investment in Pakistan.
Establishment agencies as per script wrote "Dissenting Note" as per script. Paid media is exploiting it as end of Sharif's legacy, which will end with their death only.
Finish game soon, before Goldsmith/Danial S Mecay puppets are held by people of Pakistan. Pasha London Plan (May 2014) is exposed, not a secret any more.
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