Syrian Danny gets Amir Liaqat moment (Off-recording tapes leaked)


MPA (400+ posts)
Syrian war is not planned in just few months. It has been in pipeline for long time. Let's not forget Syrian Danny (Danny Abdul Dayem).

Danny Abdul Dayem (Syrian Danny)
who has been poster child for CNN/BBC/Al-arabia/Al-jazeera for attack on Syria for long time, and he was continuously getting daily air-time on mainstream media. He got Amir Liaqat moment, when his off-recording tapes has been leaked while talking to CNN

Leaked Video:

Wikipedia entry for "Danny Abdul Dayem" is a British citizen of Syrian descent who came to prominence during the Syrian Uprising. He became a citizen-journalist who reported from Homs, Syria between 2011-2012, most notably during its siege by government forces, particularly the 2012 Bombardment of Homs. His news reports and pleas for help went viral and were picked up by major news channels including CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, and al-Arabiya. Danny reportedly caused controversy when he stated "we will take help from anyone, Israel, we don't care."

Danny comes back on CNN and tells following about leaked tapes:

To me, it's not Syria but time to come when word Syria would be replaced with Pakistan.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Yes Look at Khalidiyah,Homs clearly untouched by war.(Where he said he was at)


Clearly you heard the explosions intermittently rather then continuously.

Its all game of the Illuminati,Zionist Reptilians.

If you wont support Bashar today tomorrow it wil be Pakistan,
beacuse we surely are the last refuge and only hope of Islam:lol:


MPA (400+ posts)
Yes Look at Khalidiyah,Homs clearly untouched by war.(Where he said he was at)


Clearly you heard the explosions intermittently rather then continuously.

Its all game of the Illuminati,Zionist Reptilians.

If you wont support Bashar today tomorrow it wil be Pakistan,
beacuse we surely are the last refuge and only hope of Islam:lol:

It is not just Bashar/Syria. This wave is going all around countries around Israel. From Egypt, Libya, tunsania, Lebanon, and a little far off to Iraq. Jordan is pretty much next country. While Saudia and Iran sit in American lap wherever it suits them to destabilize whole region.

Yes, In my dreams I am watching reptalians who are getting platform at UN and US congressmen giving full fledge support for their anti-china power corridor in Balochistan, besides snakes in our backyard in form of TTP, which can attack anywhere in so called nuclear Pakistan. If you think that bringing Pakistan in this destabilized countries equation is far fetched, read why China has strengthen its own resources to deal with such kind of uprisings lately.

Let Syria fall but hopefully when it comes to Jordan's turn irrespective of Saudi or Irani hand, you will not support 'rebels'.
