Syed Zahid Zaman Hamid: Heart Touching, Encouraging and Moral Boosting Message on 14th August to Pat


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Zaid hamid's special passionate and emotional message to the nation, youth and the patriots on Independence day ! All your questions, confusions and duties explained, defined and clarified. Hear this spiritual azaan, absorb it, ponder over it and then do your duty. This is limited time we have. Battles have begun !! DO NOT remain in doubt or else you will be left behind. There is no time for non-sense now.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Completely ridiculous message.

- Quaid e Azam repeatedly said that Pakistan would be a modern democratic country based on principles of Islamic welfare society.

- Quaid also clearly said that the ONLY role of Army is to follow the policies made by elected representatives.

- Like Tahir ul Qadri this Zaid Hamid is another Fitna for Pakistan. Look at egypt today after the coup against Morsi whole Egypt is in a civil war. Today around 100 Muslim Egyptians have been killed by the Egyptian army (worse then Syria). Shame on touts like TuQ and ZH who only follow their petty benefits ignoring the damage they are doing to the state of Pakistan.

- People following trolls like TuQ and ZH should know that they are working against the model presented by Jinnah and Iqbal.


We wish Great Sheikh Zaid Ibn Sheikh Chilli, patriot Wadaich and rest of the patriots a happy independence day.

In order to honor the patriots and this day of independence We will not say anything bad about Pakistan and its army today.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
There is no doubt in my mind that zh is kazzab himself. Whatever he says, even if it is a fact about the time of the day I would not pay any attention to him and advised all those recite the kalimah of our beloved Prophet pbuh to ignore this m0r0n.
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Completely ridiculous message.

- Quaid e Azam repeatedly said that Pakistan would be a modern democratic country based on principles of Islamic welfare society.

- Quaid also clearly said that the ONLY role of Army is to follow the policies made by elected representatives.

- Like Tahir ul Qadri this Zaid Hamid is another Fitna for Pakistan. Look at egypt today after the coup against Morsi whole Egypt is in a civil war. Today around 100 Muslim Egyptians have been killed by the Egyptian army (worse then Syria). Shame on touts like TuQ and ZH who only follow their petty benefits ignoring the damage they are doing to the state of Pakistan.

- People following trolls like TuQ and ZH should know that they are working against the model presented by Jinnah and Iqbal.

U are a free man to have your opinion with conviction; however,the facts remain the facts: the model Quaid-e-Azam opted for Pakistan is mentioned here.





Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
You wouldnt pay attention but would not spare passing comments on any thread with his name mentioned on it ..:lol::lol:...VOW you really dont care man [hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar]

There is no doubt in my mind that zh is kazzab himself. Whatever he says, even if it is a fact about the time of the day I would not pay any attention to him and advised all those recite the kalimah of our beloved Prophet pbuh to ignore this m0r0n.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Oh really then why didnt the true champions of democracy stop the military from ending "democracy" in egypt ?? (bigsmile)...Why are they quiet now ??

When they purchased of the Army chief, the head of the coptics and other beyghairat seculars was that a move in favour of democracy ??:lol:

We Pakistanis need to snap out of this demon called democracy which is nothing but a recipe for disaster ! over and over again. We need to move back to our more modern system of Islamic governance based on the principles of khilafat e rashida, if there is to be any hope for humanity.(bigsmile)

Completely ridiculous message.

- Quaid e Azam repeatedly said that Pakistan would be a modern democratic country based on principles of Islamic welfare society.

- Quaid also clearly said that the ONLY role of Army is to follow the policies made by elected representatives.

- Like Tahir ul Qadri this Zaid Hamid is another Fitna for Pakistan. Look at egypt today after the coup against Morsi whole Egypt is in a civil war. Today around 100 Muslim Egyptians have been killed by the Egyptian army (worse then Syria). Shame on touts like TuQ and ZH who only follow their petty benefits ignoring the damage they are doing to the state of Pakistan.

- People following trolls like TuQ and ZH should know that they are working against the model presented by Jinnah and Iqbal.

Ali raza babar

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
There is no doubt in my mind that zh is kazzab himself. Whatever he says, even if it is a fact about the time of the day I would not pay any attention to him and advised all those recite the kalimah of our beloved Prophet pbuh to ignore this m0r0n.

watch the video , refute the points he raised by logic , Dont you run now , come with logic or never say any stupid stuff before you watch.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I don't know what problem idiots have with ZH. He is trying to encourage us by telling us to remain vigilant of the enemy.


MPA (400+ posts)
Yes, most of us are very vigilant against the existential threat posed by this one-man psycho who has this crazy band of e-jihadi "Pakistani" supremacists.

How anyone - grown ups no less - can take him seriously is something I will never understand. A deluded joker like him could only find a following of this size in a God-forsaken country like Pakistan. Had he been in any other country he would be in the safe confines of a mental care facility.

I don't know what problem idiots have with ZH. He is trying to encourage us by telling us to remain vigilant of the enemy.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Yes, most of us are very vigilant against the existential threat posed by this one-man psycho who has this crazy band of e-jihadi "Pakistani" supremacists.

How anyone - grown ups no less - can take him seriously is something I will never understand. A deluded joker like him could only find a following of this size in a God-forsaken country like Pakistan. Had he been in any other country he would be in the safe confines of a mental care facility.

He's a patriot who speaks his mind wanting Pakistan to be based on Islamic values which it was supposed to originally be. Every country has it's fair share of controversial and outspoken people who have a following amongst certain people. How come Modi who is responsible for Gujarat has a following in Bharat or Blair and Bush who killed so many in Iraq have in their countries. At least Zaid is not a murderer like them or a thief like Zardari and Bhutto.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Oh really then why didnt the true champions of democracy stop the military from ending "democracy" in egypt ?? (bigsmile)...Why are they quiet now ??

When they purchased of the Army chief, the head of the coptics and other beyghairat seculars was that a move in favour of democracy ??:lol:

We Pakistanis need to snap out of this demon called democracy which is nothing but a recipe for disaster ! over and over again. We need to move back to our more modern system of Islamic governance based on the principles of khilafat e rashida, if there is to be any hope for humanity.(bigsmile)

Yes we should snap out of the demon called democracy and ignore the clear-cut instructions of Jinnah who repeatedly told us that Pakistan will be a modern democratic nation. Khilfat e Rashida? Dude look at Afghanistan, Iran then look at middle east. No two Muslim countries are together most are involved in operations against fellow Muslim countries. In Pakistan the divide between different sects, lingual groups is increasing day by day. You can't have a national govt without problems and you want an international Khilafat system?

What you will get by overthrowing a legitimate elected govt is another Egypt. Civilians fighting against their own army. The days of Martial law are long gone, no Zaid Hamid or TuQ will be allowed to damage this country.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
He's a patriot who speaks his mind wanting Pakistan to be based on Islamic values which it was supposed to originally be. Every country has it's fair share of controversial and outspoken people who have a following amongst certain people. How come Modi who is responsible for Gujarat has a following in Bharat or Blair and Bush who killed so many in Iraq have in their countries. At least Zaid is not a murderer like them or a thief like Zardari and Bhutto.

Pakistani constitution is Islamic. The biggest worry is that trolls and idiots like Zaid Hamid will try to overthrow a democratically elected govt, ham the system and bring forth the era of tribal warfare. We will spend 60 years to reach the stage where we are today. Look at India today, its in a whole different league. Where world is touting India as the next superpower, Pakistan is being declared a failed state. India had far bigger problems then Pakistan. Most of their high profile leaders (Gandhi, Indra, Rajiv) were assassinated. There was (and is) a huge divide between south and north India. half a dozen separatist groups are working even today. The only difference was that India had a professional army and they followed a system. We were cursed with Martial law time and again and look at us today.

Pakistan is not a single cultural unit, the only thing keeping this country united is the democratic system where people from different races/ cultures know that they have the power (through) vote to bring the govt they want. The day we lose it we will be facing a civil war.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pakistani constitution is Islamic. The biggest worry is that trolls and idiots like Zaid Hamid will try to overthrow a democratically elected govt, ham the system and bring forth the era of tribal warfare. We will spend 60 years to reach the stage where we are today. Look at India today, its in a whole different league. Where world is touting India as the next superpower, Pakistan is being declared a failed state. India had far bigger problems then Pakistan. Most of their high profile leaders (Gandhi, Indra, Rajiv) were assassinated. There was (and is) a huge divide between south and north India. half a dozen separatist groups are working even today. The only difference was that India had a professional army and they followed a system. We were cursed with Martial law time and again and look at us today.

Pakistan is not a single cultural unit, the only thing keeping this country united is the democratic system where people from different races/ cultures know that they have the power (through) vote to bring the govt they want. The day we lose it we will be facing a civil war.

You serious!!! The world also says that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and what not!! I am not one to believe in such things but look at the facts. India has 500 million people living in great poverty then there are problems like rape and insurgency everywhere, future super power my ***!!

Our constitution may be Islamic on paper but the system has never been which is something that Zaid consistently points out.Everyone knows that the elections were rigged and fixed so I don't know what you are on about with democratically elected government. This system that has repeatedly failed us can't be the saviour, it's doing nothing when the whole country is on fire with PM having holiday's in Saudi.

I may not agree with all that Zaid says nevertheless he does have some very strong points. It's not as simple as calling something black or white.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Why dont you refer to what Jinnah actually said about Pakistan. That it will be set up along the principles of Quran and Sunnah,that NO law will be created in repugnance of the Quran and Sunnah. Nowhere did he mention SECULAR democracy like the way it exists today. Your talking about afghanistan ??..Dude, have you looked at Pakistan lately ?? ...what has 35 years of this rotten democracy given us other than poverty, corruption, famine etc. Muslims under the Khilafat WERE never so humiliated and certainly never so poverty stricken as we are today.

These sects are also a gift of this democracy which allows creation of parties that are funded by various countries. Had their been an islamic government they would have had ONE ideology and ONE islam which is the traditional Islam and none of all these saudi or iranian factions which we have today.

The secular powers of the world will never let you elect an Islamic leader through the secular system of democracy. NEVER !..Look at what they did in egypt !..The moment an Islamic leader came to power the powers to be used the secular military and the judiciary to over throw it and now YOU have complete turmoil.

Mr. Baradei is the head of the country - a SECULAR - This is the curse of the Muslim world !

Thats why we need a complete revamp. An Islamic system of leadership selection where the best of the best is selected for every area and he will also be commander of the armed forces and the religious leader.

There will be ONE ISLAM and not many mini versions!

There will also be ONLY ONE AZAN in Pakistan! - If Iran and saudia can make it happen then so can we !

Their will be love for my AKKA pbuh and respect for the Awliyah Allah Ra

Their will be Khanqah's where Tasawwuf will be taught and every alim, imam or religious person will first be TAUGHT to control his/her ego before telling others what to do !

This is exactly what the Quaid wanted and also this will be a true emulation of Allama Iqbal's dream : Kay jub Junaidi aur ardsheri aik hojayegi !

That will be the time of true glory and everything else is conjecture and is doomed to fail :)

Yes we should snap out of the demon called democracy and ignore the clear-cut instructions of Jinnah who repeatedly told us that Pakistan will be a modern democratic nation. Khilfat e Rashida? Dude look at Afghanistan, Iran then look at middle east. No two Muslim countries are together most are involved in operations against fellow Muslim countries. In Pakistan the divide between different sects, lingual groups is increasing day by day. You can't have a national govt without problems and you want an international Khilafat system?

What you will get by overthrowing a legitimate elected govt is another Egypt. Civilians fighting against their own army. The days of Martial law are long gone, no Zaid Hamid or TuQ will be allowed to damage this country.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pakistani constitution is Islamic. The biggest worry is that trolls and idiots like Zaid Hamid will try to overthrow a democratically elected govt, ham the system and bring forth the era of tribal warfare. We will spend 60 years to reach the stage where we are today. Look at India today, its in a whole different league. Where world is touting India as the next superpower, Pakistan is being declared a failed state. India had far bigger problems then Pakistan. Most of their high profile leaders (Gandhi, Indra, Rajiv) were assassinated. There was (and is) a huge divide between south and north India. half a dozen separatist groups are working even today. The only difference was that India had a professional army and they followed a system. We were cursed with Martial law time and again and look at us today.

Pakistan is not a single cultural unit, the only thing keeping this country united is the democratic system where people from different races/ cultures know that they have the power (through) vote to bring the govt they want. The day we lose it we will be facing a civil war.

پاکستان کا آئين ہرگز اسلامي نہيں کيونکہ جو آئين سود کو جائز قرار دے وہ ہرگز اسلامي آئين نہيں ہوسکتا آئين ميں پہلي شق ہي حاکميت اعلي کے حوالے سے ہے بلاشبہ حاکميت اعلي اللہ کے لئے ہے مگر جب اللہ کے احکامات موجود ہوں تو کسي پارليمنٹ کو قانون سازي کا کيا حق حاصل ہوسکتا ہے کيا اللہ کے احکامات کے مقابلے ميں قانون سازي کي جائے گي

