Support your Pakistani film industry


Minister (2k+ posts)
Looks nice, but I would say its more of a teaser than a trailer, I mean I didn't get what's it about. Though looks really nice, Hollywood style movie


MPA (400+ posts)


President (40k+ posts)
O yara Pakistanis want to support every department, institution and field of Pakistan but they should show something.

These all movies will be proved big time hit movies. So don't worry. If they can watch those stupid Punjabi and Pashtu Movies, then they will watch it as well.

ان تمام فلموں میں دو چیزیں مشترک ھیں جن میں ایک ھے بہودہ گانوں اور ڈانسز کا نہ ھونا جسمیں ایک رولر نما ھیروئن کسی کھیت میں پُدک پُدک کے سارے کھیت کا کھباڑا کرتی۔ دوسری یہ کہ پاکستان میں بغیر محبت کے کہانیوں کے بھی فلمیں بن سکتی ھے اور کامیاب بھی ھوسکتی ھیں۔

اور شکر ھے ان ممعر رانا، بابر علی، جان ریمبو ٹائپ ھیروز سے جان چھوٹی۔
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I will support them if they make good and meaningful movies showing Pakistani culture with imaginative storylines. "Mein hoon Shahid Afridi" is inspired by Bollywood item number songs and nakedness. If that's what the revival of our cinema is then I want none if it.