Support PTI for NA-254 Karachi....22 Aug 2013




ایم کیو ایم کی موت اہی
پی ٹی ہیپی ٹی ہی ۔۔

Nazimabad and Korangi People get ready against MQM Thugs....

Dear PTI Supporters!!

Spread the message among your family, relatives, czns, class fellows, office co workers. especially those who are living in North Nazimabad & Korangi

PTI's candidate Sultan Ahmed, candidate for PS-103(North Nazimabad areas) & Naeem Sheikh, candidate for NA-254 (Korangi & surrounding areas) are contesting By elections on 22nd August. ‪#‎Vote4Bat‬ and made them successful. Help our hands and made karachi from gangster political mafia!!

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
خان صاحب کو کراچی کا دورہ کرنا چاہئے. یہ ضروری بھی ہے اور پی ٹی آئ کی الیکشن مہم میں مددگار بھی ہو سکتا ہے

v r imran k

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
mqm vote kay zariay muqbala kabhi nahi ker skati hameesha goli our thappay sy kam kerti hy poori dunya mian mfias ka yahi style hy
