Again another lettet by someone. Not a single evidence linking NS with these flats purchase but letters and news and new story everyday. If this letter can convict PM then i can write similar letter against every judge and politicabs so convict all of them.
Denying a fact repeatedly doesnt turn it into a lie. Grow a spine for Gods sake.
And here you are mocking 'another letter', yet you give superlative credence to that hogwash typed by that corrupt Qatari.
الله ان کو بهی نہیں بخشے گا الله کے ہاں دیر هے اند هیر نہیںYeh log kisi ko bhi nahi bakhshtay.
Again another lettet by someone. Not a single evidence linking NS with these flats purchase but letters and news and new story everyday. If this letter can convict PM then i can write similar letter against every judge and politicabs so convict all of them.
However, their appears to be a convergence of evidence that includes affidavit submitted by Ishaq Dar, Panama Leaks, and investigative reporting in the British media and most important of all the evasive tactics being used by NS.
these letters are not new mate but already courts throw these in bin before. Like I said courts needs an evidence linking NS with wrong doings not deciding based on Ary stories. I have no problem if pti or anyone else can link Ns with wrong doing and then he is loose his post but no point on wasting time on these Ary jokers.
Just because a certain issue was rejected previously doesnt mean it cannot be reinvestigated and accepted. If courts discover that a previously delivered verdict was faulty, they will revisit it. Happens all the time.Why you dont understand that Ishaq Dar affaddvit is already trashed by SC about 10 years ago. How SC will accept something which they already rejected before? Also how NS link will be established with Ishaq Dar and some Qazi? Pointless discussion for ratings but nothing serious.
I am now 100% sure that pti is trying to help NS by bringing these craps in front of SC again and again.
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