Re: The Story Of Courage And Valor Of This Sindh Police Constable Will Give You Goosebumps | DON'T DARE MISS IT
Why abrar is trying to dramatize this...
I feel so sorry for the person and so much ashamed on the media, running a sad music at the back, abrar asking stupid questions (kese feeling thi, etc.), strange!
bravo to that person. Allah isk lae asaniyan peda farmaye ameen.
Re: The Story Of Courage And Valor Of This Sindh Police Constable Will Give You Goosebumps | DON'T DARE MISS IT
Such a great sacrifice get faded away by stupid people conducting the show. I mean look at this person, look at his story, look at his courage when they were butchering him, and look at his smile thinking about what he went through is just out of this world. All this financial support will definitely help him but the sacrifice he has made is far bigger and InshAllah will get reward in hereafter, That's the beauty of Islam.