Stop keeping poisonous snakes in backyard, US tells Pakistan


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Stop keeping poisonous snakes in backyard, US tells Pakistan
WSN Staff Posted June 22, 2012


[HI]In a blunt warning to Pakistan against supporting anti-India and anti-Afghanistan terror groups, <What About Anti Pakistan Endian/American/Mousad/MI6/ Groups ??> HI] Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has asked Islamabad to do more about terrorist safe havens in its terrotory.

“What we’ve said to the Pakistanis is look, if there were ever an argument in the past for your policy of hedging against Afghanistan by supporting the Haqqani Network or the Afghan Taliban or the LET (Lashkar-e-Taiba) against India, those days are over,” [/HI]
<really Now You Decide Our Interests?> she said on a TV talk show.

[HI]“Because that’s like the guy who keeps poisonous snakes in his backyard convinced they’ll only attack his neighbours,” <And what About US named ANACONDA eating whole Humanity???>[/HI]Clinton said appearing on the Charlie Rose show with former secretary of State James Baker for “Conversations on Diplomacy”.

Noting that US “relationship with Pakistan has been challenging for a long time” she lamented that in [HI]the aftermath of the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, Pakistanis “had embraced a kind of jihadi mentality in part to stimulate fighters both from the outside and within Afghanistan.”
[/HI]“So we are living with a country that has a lot of difficult issues both for themselves and then for us and others.”

While it was not in US interests to cut off its relationship with Pakistan, Clinton said: “It is in our interest to try to better direct and manage that relationship, and there are several things that we’re asking the Pakistanis to do more of and better.”

[HI]“Number one, they’ve got to do more about the safe havens inside their own country, [/HI]
[HI]<What About The Safe heavens raw/Mossad/blackwater got in Afghanistan???>[/HI]she said.

[HI]“I mean, everybody knows that the Taliban’s momentum has been reversed,:lol::lol::lol: territory has been taken back,(bigsmile)(bigsmile)(bigsmile) the Afghan Security Forces are performing much better,[hilar][hilar][hilar] but the extremists have an ace in the hole,”(clap)(clap)(clap) Clinton said.
Pakistan “has to be willing to recognize that as we withdraw from Afghanistan, it is in their interest to have a strong, stable Afghan Government,” she said.

“That only can come from being part of the solution, being at that table . to try to help with Afghanistan’s economic and political and security development, rather than doing everything possible to try to undermine it.”


Minister (2k+ posts)
funny,,, they say their drones can keep an eye on whole city...............yet they dont know hideouts.:(
their weapon can destroy any thing on the earth........(cry)
their banks can feed the need of all world....:)
but they cant defeat simple man carrying AK47...........:angry_smile:
is that a joke?[hilar]


MPA (400+ posts)
Give the news item and comment on it separately. Apna luch talnay kaya zaroorat hay news ka beech.
Stop keeping poisonous snakes in backyard, US tells Pakistan
WSN Staff Posted June 22, 2012


[HI]In a blunt warning to Pakistan against supporting anti-India and anti-Afghanistan terror groups, <What About Anti Pakistan Endian/American/Mousad/MI6/ Groups ??> HI] Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has asked Islamabad to do more about terrorist safe havens in its terrotory.

“What we’ve said to the Pakistanis is look, if there were ever an argument in the past for your policy of hedging against Afghanistan by supporting the Haqqani Network or the Afghan Taliban or the LET (Lashkar-e-Taiba) against India, those days are over,” [/HI]
<really Now You Decide Our Interests?> she said on a TV talk show.

[HI]“Because that’s like the guy who keeps poisonous snakes in his backyard convinced they’ll only attack his neighbours,” <And what About US named ANACONDA eating whole Humanity???>[/HI]Clinton said appearing on the Charlie Rose show with former secretary of State James Baker for “Conversations on Diplomacy”.

Noting that US “relationship with Pakistan has been challenging for a long time” she lamented that in [HI]the aftermath of the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, Pakistanis “had embraced a kind of jihadi mentality in part to stimulate fighters both from the outside and within Afghanistan.”
[/HI]“So we are living with a country that has a lot of difficult issues both for themselves and then for us and others.”

While it was not in US interests to cut off its relationship with Pakistan, Clinton said: “It is in our interest to try to better direct and manage that relationship, and there are several things that we’re asking the Pakistanis to do more of and better.”

[HI]“Number one, they’ve got to do more about the safe havens inside their own country, [/HI]
[HI]<What About The Safe heavens raw/Mossad/blackwater got in Afghanistan???>[/HI]she said.

[HI]“I mean, everybody knows that the Taliban’s momentum has been reversed,:lol::lol::lol: territory has been taken back,(bigsmile)(bigsmile)(bigsmile) the Afghan Security Forces are performing much better,[hilar][hilar][hilar] but the extremists have an ace in the hole,”(clap)(clap)(clap) Clinton said.
Pakistan “has to be willing to recognize that as we withdraw from Afghanistan, it is in their interest to have a strong, stable Afghan Government,” she said.

“That only can come from being part of the solution, being at that table . to try to help with Afghanistan’s economic and political and security development, rather than doing everything possible to try to undermine it.”


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Give the news item and comment on it separately. Apna luch talnay kaya zaroorat hay news ka beech.

Kioon Ji
AAp ki Parosan roz Pakistan kai MOAMLAAT mai LUCH Talnay AA jati hai.
Ham tow Sirif KHABAr kai Beech Main Luch ki TALAM TALAIEE kar rahay hain.

Kahin AAP ki BIO-LOGY tow Mutasir nahi Ho Gai ???


There are three set of Pakistani who hate US
1) Those who got there Tourist Visa rejected.
2) Those who earn money in US as illegal immigrant and come back, saying they kicked USA in the back, after arriving at Lahore Airport.
3) Those whose funding were cut by CIA.;)

And the rest 90% don't even care.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Stop keeping poisonous snakes in backyard, US tells Pakistan
WSN Staff Posted June 22, 2012


“That only can come from being part of the solution, being at that table . to try to help with Afghanistan’s economic and political and security development, rather than doing everything possible to try to undermine it.”

Please! capture this "Sapni" and hand over to the snakes in the backyard......and imagine the type of the new breed.(serious)


MPA (400+ posts)
News means facts not personal opinion. You can express yourself separately. I am a pakistani, so dont tell me if can do or not.
Kioon Ji
AAp ki Parosan roz Pakistan kai MOAMLAAT mai LUCH Talnay AA jati hai.
Ham tow Sirif KHABAr kai Beech Main Luch ki TALAM TALAIEE kar rahay hain.

Kahin AAP ki BIO-LOGY tow Mutasir nahi Ho Gai ???
