Status of women in India worse than in 18th century: Modi


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Status of women in India worse than in 18th century: Modi

"In our culture, mothers have the highest place. But a lot of bad things have crept into our society. In the 18th century female foeticide had started," Modi said at the annual meeting of the FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO



New Delhi: Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi said Monday the status of women in India has become worse than in the 18th century despite progress made by society in other areas.

"In our culture, mothers have the highest place. But a lot of bad things have crept into our society. In the 18th century female foeticide had started," he said, addressing the annual general meeting of FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO).

Modi said that after independence it seemed that the country would move towards a modern India. It seemed "we will show the world what is a woman's place. But it seems that as we progressed, our society has degenerated".

"Sometimes I feel our situation has become worse than that in the 18th century. In the 21st century, girls are being killed in the womb. Both men and women are equally responsible for that," he said adding that this problem also existed in Gujarat.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Mashallah ...Allah swt has ways of exposing the hypocrites through their own people. Here we see a firebrand Indian stating the obvious benevolence of the Muslim rulers under whom women were treated fairly and foeticide was not committed. (bigsmile)

This further concretes the fact that Sharia Rule in India is the ONLY remedy to all the ills in India as it will bring unprecedented fairness in not only criminal dealings but also with economy, trade and spirituality.(bigsmile)

Oh and circumsion is a MUST for reversion to Islam [hilar][hilar]


(clap)(clap) good statement I hope Pakistan also pays heed to his statement because they are a close third after China and India


Voter (50+ posts)
Sonia Gandhi once remarked that India had conquered idiology and culture of Pakistan (India dream since Muslim ruled them) but madam all that filth and vulgarity produced by your propaganda machine I.e. Indian media has done a commendable job by making your youth idealize Imran hashmi, elfy Khan oops I mean Salman the glued nd many more while you were trying to target our youth :P


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pakistan doesnt have Rape and female foeticide as a major catastrophic issue like India. So this statement only applies to India :lol::lol:

Sharia should be re-implemented and everything will start reverting back to normal.

(clap)(clap) good statement I hope Pakistan also pays heed to his statement because they are a close third after China and India
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Pakistan doesnt have Rape and female foeticide as a major catastrophic issue like India. So this statement only applies to India :lol::lol:

Its number 3 in female infanticide. Wait until I go on my annual be a Pakistani mode for a week where I will pretend that I am a Pakistani and I will deny any clear evidence and blame it on the conspiracies of West and Jews(bigsmile). Coming up in November every year


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
show me stats ...your known for making lies up...Pakistan is wayy ahead of you in gender inequality...your lieing here too...:lol:
Its number 3 in female infanticide. Wait until I go on my annual be a Pakistani mode for a week where I will pretend that I am a Pakistani and I will deny any clear evidence and blame it on the conspiracies of West and Jews(bigsmile). Coming up in November every year

Fakhre Alam

Minister (2k+ posts)
Its number 3 in female infanticide. Wait until I go on my annual be a Pakistani mode for a week where I will pretend that I am a Pakistani and I will deny any clear evidence and blame it on the conspiracies of West and Jews(bigsmile). Coming up in November every year


show me stats ...your known for making lies up...Pakistan is wayy ahead of you in gender inequality...your lieing here too...:lol:

A new survey has named India among the top five countries in the world that are considered as 'most dangerous places' for women.

The survey, produced by the recently launched TrustLaw website-a product of the Thomson Reuters Foundation, has revealed that Afghanistan, Congo, Pakistan, India and Somalia are the five top countries where record of women's progress in different fields is extremely poor.

Here India is better than Pakistan. I have already acknowledge and see the survey that India ranks one notch worse than Pakistan in the area of female infanticide.



A new survey has named India among the top five countries in the world that are considered as 'most dangerous places' for women.

The survey, produced by the recently launched TrustLaw website-a product of the Thomson Reuters Foundation, has revealed that Afghanistan, Congo, Pakistan, India and Somalia are the five top countries where record of women's progress in different fields is extremely poor.

Here India is better than Pakistan. I have already acknowledge and see the survey that India ranks one notch worse than Pakistan in the area of female infanticide. :angry_smile::angry_smile::angry_smile:


MPA (400+ posts)
He is a efficient ,brutal and conservative person who just concentrate on growth with out considering its social impact. He is just trying to clean his image for election campaign in the eyes of women. Like any conservative he glory fey past. Respect of mother , sister and daughter is almost hypocrisy. Why we are not talking about respect of father , brother and son ? Just because they already have power. men successfully fool women that we will give you respect but not power. In society most powerful person is adult man . who is the counter part of him . not mother not sister not daughter but his wife. with out give her equal status to his husband we are just trying to cheat women


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pakistan has been dragged in wars to long and the consequences are lack of schools, of power and of infrastructure in general, what is shining India's excuse. Stop your shananigans and compare apples to apples. why is that that Pakistan fight and India is given to open consulates in Afghanistan, why is that all off shore business is handed to India and Pakistan is told to do more, why is that that 6 million refugees are left to the Pakistanis but U.N. rushes to help refugees in Africa and talks about them as if catastrophe has befallen. why is that east Timor is forcible separated from Indonesia but Kashmir is being ignored by U.N. Why? Why? Why?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Modi wants the return of ancient Bharat as explained in the Hindu scriptures that in his mind existed during the pre dinosaur era:). Mythology of golden temples and cows giving honey and milk where streets are made of gold:lol::lol:. He himself running around with his saffron loongi preaching the greatness of Bharat to anybody who will listen(bigsmile)


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Mashallah ...Allah swt has ways of exposing the hypocrites through their own people. Here we see a firebrand Indian stating the obvious benevolence of the Muslim rulers under whom women were treated fairly and foeticide was not committed. (bigsmile)

This further concretes the fact that Sharia Rule in India is the ONLY remedy to all the ills in India as it will bring unprecedented fairness in not only criminal dealings but also with economy, trade and spirituality.(bigsmile)

Oh and circumcision is a MUST for reversion to Islam [hilar][hilar]

wah :lol:(clap)............


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Pakistan has been dragged in wars to long and the consequences are lack of schools, of power and of infrastructure in general, what is shining India's excuse. Stop your shananigans and compare apples to apples. why is that that Pakistan fight and India is given to open consulates in Afghanistan, why is that all off shore business is handed to India and Pakistan is told to do more, why is that that 6 million refugees are left to the Pakistanis but U.N. rushes to help refugees in Africa and talks about them as if catastrophe has befallen. why is that east Timor is forcible separated from Indonesia but Kashmir is being ignored by U.N. Why? Why? Why?

India, Indians, and Indian economy is in big sh it. I just found out online that US$1 = InR68.80. This is a huge drop in rupee value in just three months. I checked it because a friend from here with Hyderabad, India connection, complained that things have got pretty expensive in last three months Hyderabad. Now I know why.

Such a sharp decline in Rupee value against the US$ has its own huge consequences. Indians have started noticing it.

Indians should embrace these soon:

1. Poor will become poorer
2. Smart people will reap from this devalued rupees and become richer.
3. Middle income group will become low income
4. Salaries of law enforcement agencies do not usually go up as fast as the inflation. Therefore they will start taking bribes and shut eyes on crimes, hence crimes will increase.
5. ihsas-e-mehromiat will increase and people will start snatching from the rich ones. This what we see in Pak right now.
6. cost of daily essentials, such as milk, rice, veggies, oil, gasoline, dal, meat, bus and taxi fares, etc will jump upwards thus creating more problems.
7. There will be hartaal (strikes) for more pay from employers, resulting in violence.

I wish I could go on n on

And all this despite that PM Singh is a international, sophisticated, PhD in Economics. !!!!

Like I said India is in big sh it.

musalmano ko tang karigey to yehi anjaam hoga


Minister (2k+ posts)

show me stats ...your known for making lies up...Pakistan is wayy ahead of you in gender inequality...your lieing here too...:lol:


At least 890,000 abortions take place in Pakistan, which means that every sixth pregnancy is terminated. These figures were revealed by the Pakistan Demographic Health Survey (PDHS), which is the only national study on abortion-related incidents, said Dr Azra Ahsan, a gynaecologist and technical consultant at the National Committee for Maternal and Neonatal Health (NCMNH). She was speaking at a discussion arranged by the NCMNH on Wednesday.[SUP][10][/SUP]
February, 2011​


In the conservative Muslim nation, where the birth of children outside of marriage is condemned and adultery is a crime punishable by death under strict interpretations of Islamic law, infanticide is a crime on the rise.More than 1,000 infants -- most of them girls -- were killed or abandoned to die in Pakistan last year according to conservative estimates by the Edhi Foundation, a charity working to reverse the grim trend.
The infanticide figures are collected only from Pakistan's main cities, leaving out huge swathes of the largely rural nation, and the charity says that in December alone it found 40 dead babies left in garbage dumps and sewers.
The number of dead infants found last year -- 1,210 -- was up from 890 in 2008 and 999 in 2009, says the Edhi Foundation manager in Karachi, Anwar Kazmi....
. . .
Most children found are less than a week old.
. . .

The death toll is far worse among girls, says manager Kazmi, with nine out of ten dead babies the charity finds being female.[SUP][11][/SUP]



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Dont worry about our 890 deaths they are nothing compared to India's 3 million baby terminations ..Here ...improve on this :

India loses 3 million girls in infanticide


During 2001- 2011, the share of children to total population has declined and the decline was sharper for female children. File photo: Akhilesh Kumar

In an alarming trend, girl child numbers in India have shown a sharper decline than the male children in the decade beginning 2001, leading to a skewed child sex ratio.
On the eve of the International Day of the Girl Child, government on Tuesday said that while the decade saw an overall drop in share of children to total population, nearly three million girls, one million more than boys, are “missing” in 2011 compared to 2001 and there are now 48 fewer girls per 1,000 boys than there were in 1981.
“During 2001- 2011, the share of children to total population has declined and the decline was sharper for female children than male children in the age group 0—6 years,” said the study “Children in India 2012- A Statistical Appraisal” conducted by the Central Statistical Organisation.
“Though, the overall sex ratio of the country is showing a trend of improvement, the child sex ratio is showing a declining trend, which is a matter of concern,” the study said
According to the report, female child population in the age group of 0-6 years was 78.83 million in 2001 which declined to 75.84 million in 2011.
The population of girl child was 15.88 per cent of the total female population of 496.5 million in 2001, which declined to 12.9 per cent of total number of 586.47 million women in 2011.
Similarly the male children population has also declined from 85.01 million in 2001 to 82.95 per cent in 2011. During the period, 1991-2011, the child sex ratio declined from 945 to 914, whereas the overall sex ratio showed an improvement from 927 to 940.
“Though the child sex ratio in rural India is 919 which is 17 points higher than that of urban India, the decline in Child Sex Ratio (0—6 years) during 2001—2011 in rural areas is more than three times as compared to the drop in urban India which is a matter of grave concern,” it added.
Keywords: female infanticide, missing girls, child sex ratio, International Day of the Girl Child, sex ratio, female foeticide


At least 890,000 abortions take place in Pakistan, which means that every sixth pregnancy is terminated. These figures were revealed by the Pakistan Demographic Health Survey (PDHS), which is the only national study on abortion-related incidents, said Dr Azra Ahsan, a gynaecologist and technical consultant at the National Committee for Maternal and Neonatal Health (NCMNH). She was speaking at a discussion arranged by the NCMNH on Wednesday.[SUP][10][/SUP]
February, 2011​


In the conservative Muslim nation, where the birth of children outside of marriage is condemned and adultery is a crime punishable by death under strict interpretations of Islamic law, infanticide is a crime on the rise.More than 1,000 infants -- most of them girls -- were killed or abandoned to die in Pakistan last year according to conservative estimates by the Edhi Foundation, a charity working to reverse the grim trend.
The infanticide figures are collected only from Pakistan's main cities, leaving out huge swathes of the largely rural nation, and the charity says that in December alone it found 40 dead babies left in garbage dumps and sewers.
The number of dead infants found last year -- 1,210 -- was up from 890 in 2008 and 999 in 2009, says the Edhi Foundation manager in Karachi, Anwar Kazmi....
. . .
Most children found are less than a week old.
. . .

The death toll is far worse among girls, says manager Kazmi, with nine out of ten dead babies the charity finds being female.[SUP][11][/SUP]

