I have got one statement for these idiots: Fear Allah, for Allah dislikes unfair judgement
(2 years in power vs 30 years of power and 30 times making claims that we will stop it from happening next year.
Allah has also forbidden BOHTAAN, which is ILZAM WITHOUT PROOFS
and ALLAH has forbidden ZANA as well.
but tubdeeli was supposed to come in 90 days, isn't it?
Like I said, Allah forbids unfair judgement, now go and read the JC report how all evidence is unfairly ignored in coming to conclusion.
Just reply to one: Where in the world do we have a caretaker chief minister setup to ensure that no party uses the system in their favor but when his/her power is taken away even before he completed his task (15 days before) JC calls it a normal thing? Is this an unfair judgement or what?