Spanish minister resigns in wake of Panama Leaks & no inquiry committee - Imran Khan taunts Nawaz Sh


Senator (1k+ posts)
jis din UK ka PM resign kry ga us din nawaz sharif py pressure build hoga
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MPA (400+ posts)
Apparently, the difference is that both Iceland PM and Spanish minister were named as owners/directors of offshore companies, something that they had denied before "Panama Papers" became public. So they had to step aside when they were criticized for "lying", not for owning offshore companies.

If instead of his sons, had Nawaz Sharif been himself named as present owner of offshore companies (or accounts), then he would have been in a very weak legal position in Pakistan as not mentioning these companies among his assets in the declaration filed with Election Commission, would have meant disqualification.

Right now, he is facing political problems. But legally he is OK so far as he has not been personally named in Panama papers.


Minister (2k+ posts)
khan sahib is absolutely right but here he dealing with a zamirless ********* prime minister.. he came wid power with fake mandate , not wid free n fair genuine mandate thats why he is not resigning;)
