Obama , the lawyer was in action when he was trying to make a case for congress to pass the Iran nuclear agreement . In an effort to try to scare both congress and Saudis , he said that Iran has material for 10 weapons and no time is more dangerous with potential for war as is now.He claimed that agreement will reduce Iran's ability to make nuke to less than one.
Nothing is so far from truth , time will show that Obama administration has developed Inraods with ambitious Iranian Military leaders and this deal is to release assets for war in time . This agreement is like Iran Contra scandal when weapons were sold to help contras . This deal is not good for Mullahs of Iran either , it opens the funding for war, it opens way for ambitious military leaders to come in front in Iran .
What is Obama trying to say ? does he just want a deal to write some book about like Nixon's China trip , that is when he retires. No , he is after funding more bloodshed . The deal gives Iran right to possess nuclear material and acknowledges on the outside that it has already that ability so as to make any sudden attack on ots nuclear facilities impossible.
Netanyahu will only be allowing this deal to get passed by the congress and especially sanctions lifted if Iran sells Hizbollah to them . So Hassan Nasrullah better learn to make prayer calls and offering water to pilgrims in some shrine of Iraq .
Obama and his wife will not be able to create trouble on the Arabian peninsula via surrogates which is what they want , that is even if Nawaz , Erdogan , Raheel or nobody tries to help the Saudis.
I have stated many times that Arabian peninsula situation will lead to fall of all muslim regimes which will not come to rescue of Sunni lands of Arabia and Sunni control of Mecca , no matter how promptly does Sartaj Aziz wellcomes the deal.
There were many here if not 99% who used to say that Nawaz will fall in Dharna , except me , now I say that even if all the world unites to give free hand to Shias to occupy Mecca ultimately after destabilizing Saudia , this will not happen. Reason for both statements is that in both cases older sunni people in whose hands is the power and resources of the society in the Muslim world did not want Imran Dharna to succeed and now do not want iran to succeed.
From western point of view the deal accomplishes nothing, with further oil price lowering the shale oil of USA and North sea oil of UK will become uneconomical.
The deal is an effort to bring up Iran , whose defeat in Iraq and Syria is on cards.
Once Bhutto said to Kissinger , why USA gives so much importance to Shah Iran , he is not so stable as US thinks , why is he not asingned those tasks . Kissinger told Nixon and he told Shah , this was beginning of Shah and Bhutto rift .
Offcourse Paksitan and Saudia have done much more for USA than Iran and can do more but now this Muleship has gone to Iran , Saudis are talking elsewhere. Saudis have left this post on insistence of its selfconfident population but Iran has occupied the slot of muleship of USA.
However Generally agreements are better for humanity then no agreement , but only if they are honest and well timed . This one is just to save Mullah regime in time. of its greatest stress but not Mullah regime only but bring military figures in iran to bring down the clergy in future.
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