Moeed give ideas and he is far mature analyst than FA pass mistris sitting in Pakistan.. I love to listen him..
He thinks he is a god given gift to mankind. However, his analyses are shallow and lack much substance. Most of his time is spent in self adulation and patting himself on the back.
He thinks he is a god given gift to mankind. However, his analyses are shallow and lack much substance. Most of his time is spent in self adulation and patting himself on the back.
Hmm... that's very interesting.He also disclosed that Sethi arranged his first job on Pak TV screen as Political Pundit and brought him back from UK to Pakistan.
Wo khud ko god samjay na Samjay... tu sari omar khud ko chootiya e samajta rahay ga aur cantt walon ka aik sasta kuta.
He thinks he is a god given gift to mankind. However, his analyses are shallow and lack much substance. Most of his time is spent in self adulation and patting himself on the back.
Yeh tujay Teri Ami ne bataya ho ga Jo us waqt apni knees pe thi while Dr. moeed was standing next to his father bed. Apne Abu k naam ka user name...wahI stopped paying any attention to him since the day he forcefully got thumb impression of his father on his death bed in a UAE hospital
I completely disagree with your comment about Moeed.
He is the only learned analyst Pakistan ever has had. PERIOD.
In a recent v-log he praised Sethi that he is the best brain of Pakistan, he has foresight and does the best analysis on Pakistan TV. He also disclosed that Sethi arranged his first job on Pak TV screen as Political Pundit and brought him back from UK to Pakistan. Since then I have twitted him with Sethi's videos and the rubbish and venomous filth he spew all the times. With the comments " just because he arranged employment for an unemployed Physician"!
I am afraid , now in my eyes he is in the same class as "Dr Dabardos" who was sitting in the UK on political asylum. He got in the Media by working with a very dubious character who opened "Pakistani Channel" in the UK , later bought by the Memons of Karachi and became ARY. Dr Dabardos gave interview in "Jawab Deh" that he was getting £60 a week benefit in the UK. Which is a damn lie, he forget to tell us how much was 100% of the rent of the house in Tooting! And all other benefits you get along with it.
They both were unemployed despite being Drs because they were not bright enough to pass PLAB exams for the doctors in the UK to practice or work as doctors. Dabardos also said he was working "Voluntarily on Pak channel", which is another lie, he was working cash in hand so he can keep claiming benefits as unemployed.
You can check Dr Moeed's a month or so old web log where he said, Sethi arranged his job in Pakistani media. And Also his comments in a week old program, where he complained people criticising him for praising Sethi.
That was me.
Lost trust in him after this interview. NS was given a slap on the wrist compared to the crimes he has committed. However, he is so apologetic here and could not muster to face Mati Jaan.
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