Siasat pk is good forum for making PMLN, PPP, MQM blind supporters realize these leaders of the part

Imran the legend

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Siasat pk is a good forum for making people awareness and trying to wake pmln, ppp, mqm blind supporters who don't want to understand they not political parties they are Pakistani mafia Nawaz sharif make very innocent face but he has eaten half the Pakistan same like zardari and altaf hussain also molana fazal these are corrupt leaders it's a big struggle try to get people to stop blindly defending and supporting them.

They are the problem not the solution must kick them out. It would be good if the English can be translated for overseas Pakistanis vise versa.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Siasat pk is good forum for making pmln, ppp, mqm blind supporters realise these leaders of these parties are the problem for Pakistan.

Keep on dreaming my friend....we need another 20/30 years for this to realize..maybe more...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Siasat pk is good forum for making pmln, ppp, mqm blind supporters realise these leaders of these parties are the problem for Pakistan.

کس سیارے سے آئے ہو بھائی؟؟
پاکستانی عوام سیاست کو مذہب سے زیادہ ترجیح دیتی ہے، اور اپنے اپنے سیاسی بھگوانوں کی توہین تو دور، ان کے بارے میں ذر سی تنقید کی روادار نہیں، اپنے اپنے سیاسی قبلوں کو اتنی شدت سے چمٹے ہوئے ہیں کہ دنیا حیران ہو جاتی ہے
بھٹو، اور نواز،، ان کے چاہنے والے لاڑکانہ اور این۔اے 120 میں خود اور اپنے بچوں کو گٹروں کا پانی پلاتے رہیں گے، لیکن ووٹ اپنی اپنے سیاسی خداؤں کو ہی دیں گے۔
اور اس بات سے کوئی فرق نہیں پڑتا کہ ان سیاسی خداؤں کا پجاری کتنا امیر یا کتنا پڑھا لکھا ہے، لوگ کیلیفورنیا اور کیمبرج سے پڑھ کر بھی تو پیپل پالٹی اور ن لیگ میں شامل ہیں، قمر زمان کائرہ اور شاہد خاقان عباسی یوسی۔ایل۔اے، جبکہ ڈاکٹر عمر سیف، کیمبرج اور ایم۔آئی۔ٹی میں پڑھتا پڑھاتا رہا،، لیکن بھائی، کیا ان کی ڈگریوں نے ان کی سیاسی دانش پر کوئی اثر ڈالا؟؟

جس طرح مولوی اپنی یکی کو مذہب سے جسٹیفائی کرتا ہے، اسی طرح یہ پڑھے لکھے اپنی کرپٹ لیڈروں کی حرامخوری کو اس مغربی تعلیم کے داؤ پیچ سے ڈیفینڈ کرتے ہیں۔ ن لیگ اور پیپل پالٹی کے دانشوروں کے بریگیڈ ملاحظہ فرما لیں، سیکولر لبرل ہو، ملحد ہو، یا کہ مولوی ہو، سب اسی کام میں جُتے ہوئے ہیں، کولہو کے بیل کی طرح


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Siasat pk is good forum for making pmln, ppp, mqm blind supporters realise these leaders of these parties are the problem for Pakistan.

You are not right about the supporters of PPP, PMLN, MQM and others of the same clan.

These people are 'sleeping with open eyes'. Nothing can open their eyes to reality and they are 'BLIND AT HEART'.

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Siasat pk is good forum for making pmln, ppp, mqm blind supporters realise these leaders of these parties are the problem for Pakistan.

Hay Fekay ... What about the blind worshiper of Ilzam Khan and its hanging turn coats ? Do you like to see the blind and ignorance worshiping of the same corrupt turn coats who are the stars in PTI and its ATM machine factory ? Open the Forum headlines and pages and you will be rewarded. Write something which is balanced and not depend on pack of lies , something which is not manufactured by the media machine of Jahangir Tareen and corporation .



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Siasat pk is good forum for making pmln, ppp, mqm blind supporters realise these leaders of these parties are the problem for Pakistan.

Keep dreaming. These abu jhualaa of Goon and PPP fiqaa will remain slaves.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Siasat pk is good forum for making pmln, ppp, mqm blind supporters realise these leaders of these parties are the problem for Pakistan.

Look who is talking........laundryman company

Imran the legend

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Siasat pk is good forum for making pmln, ppp, mqm blind supporters realise these leaders of these parties are the problem for Pakistan.

The problem is of blind supporters they haven't been to school because corrupt parties pmln ppp mqm molana fazal don't spend money on schools so there Brian's haven't been properly developed that's why they have become slave minds and corrupt. I am working on trying to wake them up but there parents should have brought them up good so I have to try to wake the blind supporters up.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Siasat pk is good forum for making pmln, ppp, mqm blind supporters realise these leaders of these parties are the problem for Pakistan.

Look at Qalandri for example. That guy has 4 accounts but since day one its always been 'jiye bhutto jiye zardari'


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Siasat pk is good forum for making pmln, ppp, mqm blind supporters realise these leaders of these parties are the problem for Pakistan.

Blind PTI supporters can't make blind supporters of mqm, pmln and ppp mafia see reason...
