Sialkot Investigation - New Report Suggests, Mughees & Muneeb were Innocent

Guys please read the link below.

The update regrading Sialkot investigation report.

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Minister (2k+ posts)
Hafiz e Quran Allah Rabbul Izzat ki Nishaniyoon me se ek Nishani he...............................or is Qoum pe bare sakht Azab ki naveed he jo Allah Rabbul Izzat ki Nishaniyoon ko Qatal karta waqie ko jab bhi sunta hoon Sura Shams ka Tarjuma Yaad Aane Lagta he ............................YA ALLAH RABB E KARIM:::::::::::::::::HUM GUNAHGAR QOUM KI MAGFIRAT FARMA.............................AMEEN


Councller (250+ posts)
It's indeed ... a remarkable work by Mr. Justic Kazim, I am very happy that he put extra efforts to un-earth real facts of the case.
I'm eagerly looking forward to see the justice being served and all responsible are punished especially DPO Viqar Chauhaan. No mercy should be taken into account.


Allah promised in quran that HE will protect his quran. He was Hafiz e Quran. If we believe in Allah, then he will do justice. Innocent blood will never go in vain. Culprits have to face justice, if Pakistan has to survive. Otherwise Allah is able to finish whole Pakistani nation from this earth forever like he did to the nations in the past. Let us see justice is done. I still believe that there is lot of potential in this nation to become a world power but it will only happen if justice is served here. I will never buy this story --> ''Two brother, one of them Hafiz e Quran, got up in the morning to robe people with guns in there hands after keep fast and praying Fagir Namaz and Taraweeh in the night''. Ask your heart would you believe it ?

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Allah promised in quran that HE will protect his quran. He was Hafiz e Quran. If we believe in Allah, then he will do justice. Innocent blood will never go in vain. Culprits have to face justice, if Pakistan has to survive. Otherwise Allah is able to finish whole Pakistani nation from this earth forever like he did to the nations in the past. Let us see justice is done. I still believe that there is lot of potential in this nation to become a world power but it will only happen if justice is served here. I will never buy this story --> ''Two brother, one of them Hafiz e Quran, got up in the morning to robe people with guns in there hands after keep fast and praying Fagir Namaz and Taraweeh in the night''. Ask your heart would you believe it ?
I can not believe that.

Night_Hawk - Blogger
SIALKOT: After completion of an investigation into the murder of two brothers by a mob in Silakot, police formally arrested former DPO Waqar Chohan on Tuesday.
DPO Silakot Bilal Sadiq said that the arrested DPO along with six other policemen will be presented before a court on Wednesday.
Bilal, while talking to DawnNews, said that ten policemen were found guilty in the initial investigation of the Sialkot incident. Six of them were arrested and four were still at large, he added.
