Should Imran Khan ask for intelligence help from ISI regarding current economic situation in the country and regarding the hike in the dollar price?
Should Imran Khan ask for intelligence help from ISI regarding current economic situation in the country and regarding the hike in the dollar price?
Don't you know this is Pakistan... lesbians marriage is not legal here...
Should Imran Khan ask for intelligence help from ISI regarding current economic situation in the country and regarding the hike in the dollar price?
How is/was that possible??He seeks information . What he must do is act on it.
He must empower the snake eaters to go after the hitmen and bring the looted wealth back.
50 billion can easily be recovered by auctioning london flats, surrey mansions, french riviera villas and new york apartments.
Another 50 billion stashed in overseas secret accounts can also be recovered.
Pakistan is going to the IMF to get a a mere 6 billion when we can easily recover 100 billion from our past corrupt rulers.
BUT HE MUST GET TOUGH ! Dont let them escape and prosecute them till they cough up the money.
He must try economic hitmen in military courts .
Many more things can be done but Imran must make up his mind.
It would have been better when he would have come under a technocratic setup rather than this so called democratric setup which curtails his ability to select his own team. He needs good solid advisors as opposed to the soap operas surrounding him now.
How is/was that possible??
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